
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them didn’t mind the dig at Trudeau

Most of the team is Canadian but most Canadian hockey players are from small farming communities and traditional families that espouse conservative values and clichés of bootstraps, hard work and grindstone. They also have million-dollar-a-year salaries.

“This looks like Drake realized he bit off more than he could chew and backed off.”


It’s a sorry state of affairs when acting like the adult in the room means that you lose.

“If you don’t have the same belief as somebody else then automatically they think you’re wrong and they take it personally, which politics isn’t supposed to be that way. You’re allowed to have disagreement, but my opinion is that you’re supposed to respect the other person’s decision.”

New Yorkers have a long history of hating trump. If Guiliana, formerly “America’s Mayor,’ can get drowned in a chorus of boos at a Yankee’s game then I think their fans will forgive them if they skip going to the White House.

Damon again Bruh you’re reaching. Most of the team is not from The U.S. Who gives a shit about Hockey? For real if you asked twenty people to name a Hockey player I bet not one could. The fact that the most visible athletes from the most popular sports want nothing to do with his ass makes me smile. My biggest fear is

Aren’t they all (besides the 6 Americans) Canadian? You’d think Trump taking swipes at their boy PM would give them a little pause. These hoes ain’t loyal.

I mean, of course they are gonna go. Have to get Ovechkin into the White House because he’s a covert agent.

*I wonder why(te)

Now, put on these nice striped pyjamas…

That’s not the only problem. A good portion of the public, finds this offensive but won’t speak out about it because they feel that “there’s nothing they can do” or simply choose to ignore what’s going on.

I was going to write something witty but this is just too fucked up.

God this is so horrifying. How the hell is this happening right now.

In November they will move them all to Minot, ND and complain that there is just no pleasing someone like you.

No, no guys.... this is going to be fun, just like summer camp. Sleeping in tents, being away from your parents.

A public defender in McAllen says some migrants are told their kids are going to be taken away briefly to bathe, and then it dawns on them hours later they aren’t coming back

In other words its an internment camp for minors.

El Paso get’s really fucking hot :(