
The last thing I expected was to be crying with Tess this episode.

I know this show has been gone for months but I already need a break from Archie. It’s like they want me to hate him. First wearing a bow tie and looking like prom king to his own murder trial. Then confessing to a crime he didn’t commit because He could have killed someone? What does that even mean. Everyone on this

I thought it was just me rooting for that. I rewatched recently and there was a reboot where Tahani and Eleanor were soulmates. I have never been more robbed in my life. What I wouldn’t do to see that reboot.

His phone looked huge in his hands.

Dennis calling her a bitch shouldn’t always be as great as it is. But, for some reason he says it like no one else can.

YEAH that’s all i could think about during that scene. Then I just chocked it up to them being high. Still irresponsible tho.

I don’t believe balme them for not running to a Ians rescue. I don’t think he should be bailed out she would definitely lose that money. I haven’t really been into Ian’s arch since Mickey and I just realized that.

I could not stop laughing at the third time Duane said the line about his mother being around chemicals during the entire pregnancy and how he’d fine.

IM so happy this back. The guy screaming “LADY DRIVER” was always unexpected and very hilarious. I could use a few more of those. 

I just remembered, didn’t Angel get butt injections I don’t remember but I’ll to go back and see if there was any change. Random thought but I feel like that whole thing was forgotten about.

This show has been consistently great but I hate we will eventually lose at least 2 people from HIV on this show. But that is realistic I guess.

Tbh it’s mostly women I see defending him (Chris Brown). They even go so far as to say they wanna get with him or they want to see Rihanna and him back together. I got into an argument once with a girl who I asked if she would encourage a friend to go back to a man who beat her. She completely acted like she didn’t

Yes I’m often on the Shaderoom and the comments were a complete 180 from what they were about him last week. This has been the only place where I don’t feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.

Do you have voodoo dolls you’d like to share?

Tbh it’s mostly women I see defending him. They even go so far as to say they wanna get with him or they want to see Rihanna and him back together. I got into an argument once with a girl who I asked if she would encourage a friend to go back to a man who beat her. She completely acted like she didn’t understand the

Everyone and I mean everyone is acting like he was some great lost soul who needed all of our understanding. Just last week people were talking about his abuse case. I’m going to give him the same energy I give regular average everyday abusers. nothing. Just because he was famous (though I did not listen to his music)

Wow he really wrote that like that should be Shaun Kings number 1 priority. How ignorant that nothing else in the tweet mattered. I’m sure people just want to not have young black men be shot but no no let’s focus on his needs right now.

Even if she believed he was innocent I have a hard time believing they have no problems with everything going on.

Her staying with him may be leaving doubt in peoples minds whether he is guilty or not. Her leaving solidifies his guilt and all doubt is out the window. I could see why she would stay. Easier to deny than to admit you were the fool who married a rapist.

10 years ago he wasn’t a little boy he was a grown ass man. I’m willing to bet his ignorance then is still very much alive.And you know this had absolutely nothing to do with him liking rap if he had no idea Run DMC was not a popular rapper 10 years ago.