
Maybe this sign was a trap to find out who the worst humans are. Maybe?

So they don’t care if they shout it just has to be in English. What low down snitch of a person is really gonna call that line.

I had their donuts for the first time a few months ago. The greasiest grossest donuts I’ve ever had.

Yeah I’ve never seen Everything Sucks but I know people were mad it was canceled. But I did see On My Block and that is actually good and funny and renewed for a second season so I can’t be to mad at Netflix.

you are right my bad

Why are you replying to me so much. He can have whatever he believes and I can state my opinion on it. No ones beliefs are free from criticism.

Freedom of speech does not mean he is free from consequences. He also did disrespect a group of people. Just because it was not you does not mean it doesn’t matter

I’m pretty sure his employer fired him for misrepresenting their company not the gay community.


I don’t know what the hell most of that was about. Also where did I say anything about heterosexuals?

I just want to hear what one person expects an lgbt person to do. I guess be asexual, live a lie or just die. But these are usually the same people who believe being gay is a choice. Yes people choose to be treated like this by people like him.

No you’re right I hate when people drag the victims but I also hate automatically assuming they’re guilty. I wish the media and schools like this would not pick sides so quickly without due process. They lost everything but in a year this little snaffoo will be behind her.

Yeah I’d like if she got the time they were gonna serve instead. You have to be a sick individual to ruin two peoples lives to get a boy to like you.

Exactly how does you religion dictate how anyone else should live. Being Christian is your choice what’s that got to do with me.

I got countless beatings growing up. I really believe my mom just didn’t know how else to discipline as she was young and listening to older relatives. When we got old enough she realized it didn’t work and just did normal things like take away tv or something. My brother is 14 now and I they have completely changed

I got countless beatings growing up. I really believe my mom just didn’t know how else to discipline as she was young and listening to older relatives. When we got old enough she realized it didn’t work and just did normal things like take away tv or something. My brother is 14 now and I they have completely changed

I hate when people say about anything “well it happened to me so it must be ok”. You obviously have a biased view of that situation.

This was so great more athletes need to get on board

Exactly why has this particular question been on your mind. It sounds like that’s a question he had and used Donald Trump to ask it.

So we should stand for a country that elects his ass. No thanks