
Whole Foods’ kale lemonade would get me on a plane....

...what an appropriate punishment for this..?

It probably was too close to ‘On My Block’ also on Netflix. I just started watching that one and it also REALLY good and funny. I’m guessing that they probably want to fund only so many minority high school kid story lines. ‘Everything Sucks’ probably lost on the viewer counts.

I have such a bad feeling about the Angel/Stan situation. Maybe it’s just because I’m projecting details from Paris is Burning onto the show, but certain things worry me. I see no version of the show where that ends well for anyone.

The price paid for greenlighting 100's of shows and not thinking about the future. A lot of good shows get cancelled because there is just too much to view/watch/consume.

And having Sam be the hero! I hated that and her “fiery” Latina girlfriend.

The year was 2000. Not long after, Sex and the City aired its only episode to feature a black woman. The episode was predicated on the premise that Samantha was dating a black man. Unfortunately his sister, who begins the episode as a friendly chef, takes issue with the relationship, culminating in a fairly vile

Side bar.

From jump, Trumps whole beef against the NFl has been mired in pettiness from grudges born long before he was President. He’s playing them like a fucking fiddle, and is once again proving that just because you have money, it doesn’t make you smarter than anyone else.

The NFL, and more specifically Goodell, have certainly shown their whole ass at this point. They changed rules because daddy said so, and now he’s offering to hand out pardons to them like they’re candy.

The NFL owners have to be livid. They’re blaming Trump for all of their actions, and he’s all like, well, i’m willing to concede that the players might have a point. He’s really trying to avoid that Kap subpoena.

I think the answer is they want them to pray the gay away.... because... yeah that works. And is healthy.

“Generational dysfunction” is incredibly hard to dismantle without serious psychological work.

‘My momma beat me with extension cords, books, belts, switches, hairbrush ... and I thank God for it. I turned out okay. We need to beat these kids today.’

Yeah, if you grow up thinking it’s okay to beat the shit out of your own kids, then you did not turn out okay.

Pretty much. I believe that it goes like this:

I guess the issue is that some people believe that their religion or particular sect *requires* them to go out and proselytize/evangelize/force people to accept their religion. in turn, I think that they also believe that things like “pride” events force them to accept something that they don’t believe.

Kid wearing blue, and in Chicago where how many kids are probably wearing Cubs gear on any given day?