
That Barbie sketch had no right to be as funny, for me, as it ended up being. It was one of those jokes where all the performers utterly committing to their role, well as far as Davidson can anyway, elevated it. Also I so loved the dark backstory Glover’s character kept insisting on.

Being a substitute teacher, this was so accurate of how these bad ass, kids come to school!, They talk back, call names, don’t listen , and the Parents don’t do shit about it., this show is the best. I give this an At(plus)

Fully agree...I’ve never watched an episode/movie that was such a clear cut look into what a classroom feels / sounds like.

Darius doesn’t adhere to the concept of time therefore he was never actually a kid. He has always existed in his current form and transcends the time continuum.

That was one of the most accurate portrayal of middle school/early high school I’ve ever seen a show do. They nailed every little detail from the worn school buses, the look of the building and classrooms, how the kids talk to each other, how the adults talk to the children (and that bus driver not giving a shit that

There’s no way that was my Darius!

Glad I didn’t go see this, Spidey is my fav, Tom Holland is the best one yet.

That is part of the problem. A lot of the people with opinions who say they want to be ‘understood’ use that word interchangeably with ‘affirmed’. They want people to nod and say, ‘yes, this makes perfect sense.’ even when they just spouted some unintelligible bullshit that is easily disproven by even a cursory glance

Can I copy and paste this to every writer who pens a “let’s look at middle America to understand why they voted for a racist, misogynistic imbecile for every reason except the most obvious ones” for the New York Times?

People are free to talk as much as they want. I don’t have a for profit prison to stick them in if I disagree with whatever nonsense they are spewing. But I can tell them to shut the fuck up lol.

Up until Lemonade, I liked Kelly Roland’s music more than Beyoncé’s *looks around nervously* lol

Sometimes stupid people are gonna get offended. It comes with the territory.

Yup, they can’t be bothered about giving a fuck about anyone else, but when their shit gets dismissed like the nonsense it is. They’re like “shutup, I’m talking!” It’s good on you to understand them, but I can’t take all that into my heart, personally. I just tune out as soon as fuckshit starts bleeding out of the

You know, I grew up hearing an awful lot of people’s opinions about things. Why interracial relationships are wrong and gross. Why gay people are going to hell. Why women are just holes to stick penises in. Etc.

Stupidity is not a difference of opinion. Some shit is just stupid, man. We aren’t obligated to engage stupidity but we are obligated to point it out as such when we do.

So much of the current discourse revolves around people simply wanting to say whatever they want to say without push back. And our current culture puts idiots, charlatans and hustlers on level playing ground with scholars, journalist and people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about.

I’ll let the stick figure and the cartoon explain to people who are still unclear...

*buzzes past you*

Exactly. Like when I say that Solange is the more interesting Knowles and Latoya and Latavia did nothing wrong. I am fully prepared to be stalked and murdered by The Hive.