
So true. And this narrative that “Well, [insert white man’s name here] did it and he didn’t get convicted.” No one gets a pass because a white man got away with the same crime. It’s not any less illegal and the victims suffer just as much. Affirmative action is to deal with the inequities of life and giving justice to

It’s enraging that they’re using this analogy to defend Cosby, but it just brings to mind another despicable man in power who used the specter of “lynching” to guilt people into supporting him and overlooking his very real crimes against women:

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a demographic of black people that will defend horrible-ass people... Who just happened to be black... Just because they’re black. Even when they are unleashing havoc on fellow members of black communities.

No matter how brilliant the show was, no matter how hilarious his standup was, no matter how relatable his thoughts were, it was all just to fool us. There was no heart behind his magical creations, just a cold and calculating strategy to hide a monster inside a disarming masterpiece.

“We gonna take Cosby to task but nobody’s gonna get Weinstein.”

First of all, if Bill Cosby had ever met Emmett Till, he would have told him to dress better and that he had no business looking at white women. Secondly, Till was lynched (vigilante illegal action) for something he didn’t do. Cosby was tried in a court of law for something he did dozens of times. Fuck you, Cosby

I was hoping Earn would have something to say about that during his conversation with Al, but Earn seems too invested in being wounded to defend himself. Earn’s kind of a shitty manager, but he puts him some effort, and he knows Al. I think Al’s gonna regret dropping Earn the same way he regrets dropping his barber,

“If Cosby did any of what happened to any member of our families we’d be pissed.”

Earn is all about finding the shortcut to glory. Get into Princeton, drop out right after. Wants Van available when he needs companionship without investing in any of her interests. Beat Vick in a footrace to rescue an embarrassing night. Beat Tracy’s ass to rescue another embarrassing night. Step up to announce

I’ve been team “Fuck Bill Cosby” since he decided to talk shit to Black people about pulling our pants up and “acting right”.

Wow, do his “fans” realize that you have to be a special kind of arrogant, twisted sicko to be a serial rapist for FIFTY years???!!! All the while as you’re on your rapey way you’re lecturing others about their moral failures???!!! Bye Bill, just bye!

The irony is that while Earn may not be using all the potential he has to be a great manager, Al has been quite the shitty client.

As unprepared as Earn was, there was no decision in this episode that was wronger than allowing that idiot Tracy to come along. That mistake entirely on Al.

If Al is worried about doing things in a professional manner, then he should be aware that allowing Tracy to accompany him to any gig — much less to an overnight

Who doesn’t like Bill Cosby?

I remember when I first head about this through the MySpace and Yahoo group grapevine in 2004. I thought something was going on back then, but since that civil suit was sealed, they couldn’t do jack about it. Then two things happened. First was that Pound Cake speech, which put him into the political realm. Then,

The narratives get talked about on this show a lot, and deservedly so, but the direction and shot selection are so good too.

In answer to number 1: Neither are on.

1 accuser: No way, he’s America’s dad! Bitch lying


God dammit Earn why’d you get out the car to fight Tracy’s loony ass?? I said to my boyfriend “oh no this is Micheal Vick all over again”. But I really felt for him in that scene why they get back to the dorms and everything is trashed you could just see him spiraling and not really knowing what to do w/ those