
It was like she was trying to fuck the national anthem.

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

That was Holiday Inn lounge singer bad.

My wife heard me play this and is now almost on the floor laughing.

1. Is she trying to seduce America?

I think all the paint just fell off my living room walls

That was ba-yeah-yeah-yad.

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

I didn’t really love this. I get that the point was to get Rebecca to take responsibility for her actions, but the whole Trent plot felt like it was accidentally taken from Jane The Virgin or something (no shade to that show, just completely different tone.) I’ve kinda felt like the show has become broader since

Fun fact: characters don’t need a reason to be queer.

I assumed that was her dramatic “suiting up” music. It pausing everytime she ran into a problem was pretty good too.

The musical cues during her search to find the hoodie were weird.

*ominous music*

“Did you take my hoodie?”
“No, I have my own”

*closes door, ominous music continues*

My favourite comedy moments so far have been between Anissa and Jennifer and just the little sibling details like Jennifer swiping Annisa’s clothes and Annisa being like ‘goddammit Jennifer’ are some very nice touches that really speak to the reality of sibling life in an organic way that I find not a lot of shows

Some cute costume/shopping stuff, the quips between Jefferson and his cop buddy, as well as his reactions to his daughter being a badass. I thought this episode had some nice humorous moments.

Boy, could you feel them struggling to make a coherent lesson out of Jennifer’s story. You have a cartoon bully who’s cruel enough to mock a guy who was just paralyzed, her randomly lesbian parents for cheap token points, one of them is a cartoon Sassy Black Woman whose every line might as well be “Urban gansta

I like Anissa adventures in costuming, with her first losing her hoodie:

I genuinely love Jane the Virgin’s approach to sexuality. It’s very “enlightened Catholic” - hesitant, but open-minded and considerate. Everything from Alba’s hesitation to Adam’s bisexuality, it’s all so good.

Period Sex forever.

Is there no other law enforcement in Riverdale besides the sheriff (and one parking attendant)? Why is the Sheriff so involved in what’s going on in the city? What about the actual regular Riverdale Police?