
This show has always been bonkers but lately there is no reality to so many of the issue of the kids.

It’s criminal that Bloom didn’t even get a nom for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

My favorite line was probably Chuck beginning to snap: “ famous anchor, you...local fool.” I also liked the physically impossible gag of Justin and Wayne’s hoodies being zipped together.

All four of them in formal wear, honestly. This is one hell of an attractive cast.

That running gag really is the gift that keeps on giving. I may never be able to hear the sound of wind chimes the same way again.

Will Doug Forcett be the Judge?

Kristen Bell in Diana’s horned-rim glasses was a total smokeshow. The most unrealistic element of the show might be Chidi still resisting her after she has openly declared her feelings for him.

Well, I am now

I also loved how impressed Eleanor was with Tahani’s somehow American demon character.

Jeeze Louise! Looks like Chidi has a real case of the Mondays, am I right? Hey ya, pass the NASCAR ketchup.

I’d like to think that’s one of the world’s greatest two year long setups. That, and Jacksonville actually being in the AFC Championship game around the same time Jason gets a shot at the Good Place.

Someone right now is dubbing that onto random PornHub videos.

The moment Jason brought up molotov cocktails as a possible solution for getting through the Bad Place, it became obvious that Jason would be throwing a molotov cocktail by the end of the episode, but man did they work hard to earn that joke.

I loved how, after all the worry, both Tahani and Jason are both excellent at adapting to the Bad Place. Tahani especially was great in this episode.

I think that may have been the funniest scene on the entire run of the show. And it’s a tribute to how the two actors created the characters in previous shows that it played out without (thankfully) any of it being seen.

Is that really how long they’ve been there? There’s been 800-ish reboots, but I don’t think they equate the same time on Earth. And it seems like a lot of the reboots were caused when Eleanor figured out the ruse extremely quickly.

and I hope Michael isn’t tortured too badly/Janet gets out.

Mindy and Derek’s wind-chime sex is one of the most depraved things I’ve ever had to imagine. Thanks, The Good Place!

I liked the Bad Place poster for Pirates of the Caribbean 6, now playing EVERYWHERE, FOREVER.

I’m so glad this show exists.