
Paul as Richard Spencer-lite was brilliant, especially with the throwaway punch-a-Nazi gag. Yes, Paul’s usually a sympathetic character, but yeah, it’s a good commentary on what kind of guys become MRA guys.

Boone seems like a much more together version of Jimmy: quick-witted, funny, but less narcissistic and a lot

I do agree that it’s a little over the top but as much as Lindsay hurt him (especially with the cuckholding to just sleep with other people) it kinda makes sense.

Man, I am so very glad that Colin Ferguson turned out to be more than just a one-off character. He was so damned good and charming and likable on “Eureka” and his comedic timing and delivery is just as good as ever here. He deserved so much better than the Maytag commercials, and I’m just glad he’s finally getting it.

Actually I thought it was rather an on-point critique of MRAs, that their “philosophy” is much less about any committed social ethos, than it is about a bunch of guys butt-hurt over getting rejected by women.

I feel conflicted. On the one hand, I agree with everything you said. On the other, I died laughing at “Excuse me. I’ll have a vodka soda...and no, I’m not trying to rape you”. Maybe we’ll get more him down the line sometime and they’ll reveal it was just a bad time for him as he’s trying to find himself or something

That was an amazing dream sequence from Rosa. I almost wish it was real.

“Oh I’m sorry, that bitch got foisted”

So how is the NRA going to spin this one?

shooter was also a white male, so of course nothing will be done. it will be blamed again on circumstance / mental illness or the liberal left or something.

Don’t pray for LV, vote for gun control.

From your description, I’m guessing you’re a fellow Aussie and you’re talking about Port Arthur? It really is an experience worth learning from. While we may never have been as big on guns as America, gun ownership used to be seen as a big part of rural life, and there were some shocked reactions to talk of a ban. But

Fucking America and its guns. This shit has to stop.

I was about to say something about gun control in America...but then I remembered Sandy Hook and realized if that didn’t change anything, I doubt this will. I really hope I’m wrong about that.

But the way Leon answers the phone, it doesn’t sound offensive. That’s just Leon being Leon.

“Larry David’s office, who the fuck is this?”

Leon being Larry’s assistant is so genius, I can’t believe it took so many seasons to make it happen. I hope it sticks, even in light of the whole fatwa thing.

I’m so glad to see the old disheveled, peeved Richard Lewis is still around. It wouldn’t be Curb without him.

There aren’t many sounds more comforting to me than the HBO logo followed by the Curb theme.


I continue to be shocked by how much I enjoy Nicole Richie on this show. The China launches missile/Blac Chyna launches lip gloss confusion was a good joke, but Portia screaming “That’s even worse!” and running from the room in response made it great.