Is that a Mickey Rourke costume?
Is that a Mickey Rourke costume?
If there is one thing #brexit made clear to me its that he is absolutely possible and actually more than likely, the worst part is there is no clear way to stop him.
I’ve told people like that this:
If you can’t do your job in 8 hours, then you’re jobbing poorly dudes. I get in, do my shit, make some dumb dadjokes on Jez, then split to get JujyJr and make dinner/do errands at 5pm.
Im sure you’re right.
I’m pretty much where he is in terms of a disability which looks so bleak that you don’t see any signs of hope, so I can absolutely understand taking that path. It’s one I think about taking a lot.
Buckle up, buddies: our dreaded Laramie is back in the fucking game.
I’m a Hillary supporter and if I was putting money down, I’m betting on Trump to win in 2016. Whatever he’s doing is working on a lot of people and I don’t see that ending any time soon.
I have come to the conclusion that most women should not be mothers.
Pretty sure I stunk of the Liz Claiborne triangle perfume at one point too - but that might have been more late 80s than 90s.
What was the most nauseating perfume you wore in the 90's? Hands down mine was Debbie Gibson’s Electric Youth perfume. If memory serves it smelled like a tire fire in a rose garden.
It’s not that unheard of. I exercise during my commute too by masturbating furiously while I drive home from work.
Not a fan of folks weighing in on the birth by complaining it sets a bad example for society, it has icky overtones of “the proper role and place of women” to it. If it’s so important that births not happen over the age of 60, then make an age limit for Viagra prescriptions as well.
“Urine a lot of trouble.”
Cassie is actually pretty great. I don't follow her meal plan but I LOVE her workout videos on YouTube. She just smiles and stays positive while kicking your ass.
Jeez, that ‘s sad. I have the feeling that conspiracy theorists (not that the man was one) would be greatly disappointed if they actually got inside the UN building... They would expect to find secret meetings everywhere and would probably find people preparing powerpoints while drinking coffee instead!
I think she just likes to suck lemons.