And if you don’t drive sober, don’t worry, because Bill Self will talk to the cops for you
And if you don’t drive sober, don’t worry, because Bill Self will talk to the cops for you
This 11-year-old kid just put together more tangible thought and words than the fucking President of our country has at any point in his life.
69 Plus is a cool nickname
Devin “one better than 69" Booker.
“Fantasy Football”
The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.
Nothing reveals the ridiculous theatricality of modern politics than the fact that when they knew it wouldn’t work House Republicans voted to repeal part or all of the ACA more than 60 times, but they’ve had two months of complete control and haven’t voted to repeal it once.
The best part of capitalism is when shitheads accidentally waste their money in the funniest of ways.
Basketball fans tonight in several Republican-adjacent TV markets are enjoying a series of ads, prematurely bought…
there is now a bear story and i apologize for jumping the gun and sincerely enjoyed your article about eating poop
Instead of a Bear Friday post we get a paean to literal shit. What the fuck
That’s a funny joke. But, goddamn, these laws piss me off so much. These big southern state schools (besides being pretty decent universities) are also bastions of tolerance, acceptance, academic freedom, and, as a result, liberal havens in otherwise deep red swathes of the country. It’s too early to know what kind of…
I want to be impregnated by this comment.
But I thought more guns = more safety. And an armed society is a polite society. And I also thought that alcohol sales were banned in SEC stadiums. And also, Hitler disarmed the Germans when he took over (not really, but I read it somewhere). Why can’t I bring my arsenal in to cheer on the Hogs?1Q?! How else are the…
Far-right conservatives cannot be appealed to with logic or reason because far-right constituents cannot be appealed to with logic or reason. If their constituents would look at their elected officials’ views and voting records and say, “Hey, now. This isn’t good for any American citizen!” and vote accordingly,…
This is part of a larger fallacy that reactionary conservatives can be fisked or fact-checked into submission or into showing the slightest bit of contrition, shame, or willingness to improve their reasoning. They can only be quarantined and hopefully outnumbered in swing states.
You had me at the link containing ‘wsj’ in its address.
How many black men have been lynched for this kind of false accusation right there in Texas and throughout the South? She learned from the best of the worst.
Take every rape allegation seriously and investigate it to your full capability. Do not automatically believe every allegation. This is why. Well this and 100+ years of American race relations.