
The Republican party will never, EVER, impeach Trump. Look at how over half of them were part of the “never Trump” campaign throughout the primary and are now kissing the ring and sucking the emperor’s dick.

Now playing

Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...


I’ve been through the worst.

“What if C.S. Lewis Fell Down And Hit His Head on the Corner of the Coffee Table?”

Imagine that you meet a very old man who you eventually realize knows literally everything.

God’s Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams

Or the fact that 60% of dudes in construction (ladies too) are just there for a paycheck and could give fuck all about the job or company they work for until it’s gone.

why do people ALWAYS go with white people as their go-to analogy for what “working class” means?

Because people want to believe that the working class is a group of skilled laborers rather than the reality of most of them working in retail.

Your five second purge could get intense.

I’ve seen contestants lose it because they pronounced something slightly off, even though they had everything right... so that’s just people erring on the safe side.

Actually, he would have tried to buy a 6 and 9.

“You made the right call bro. I’d have totally done the same thing, even if I knew the correct title.”

WTF is this new commenting scheme?!

It is when you realize what a joke our presidential elections have become.  

I can’t believe these buffoons managed to get that shitstain elected. Idiots, top to bottom.