
Which current NFL QB do you think would win a free-for-all tourney?

What a disgusting human being. “I hate treating women and minorities like people.”

Oh come on, now. We don’t even have the lead. Rodney’s probably going to go 1-2-3 with 2K.

Do you actually understand how the human brain works? Of course not, because you’d then realize that yours is fucked up. This “VR” does none of those things. The only reason that it would “work” on your brain is because yours is already broken and think that being around video games is like being around women.

Yes, it’s creepy. “Oh, I know how we’ll help socially-malfunctioning people! We’ll socially isolate them more and tell them they’re okay.”

This will literally do none of that. But sure, think of more and more ways you think this thing could be “good”.

“Visit 4chan”

That’s actually crazy. Please get help if you actually think like you say you are.

God Bronies are awful.

“seeking damages in excess of $15,000.”


God bless you Harvilla

Reddit once again proving that they are the worst.

That's still not white. What on earth? Look at your computer like a normal person.

Please don't rape animals, bronies.

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing.

idk it definitely seemed p cool. Beck didn't care. Everyone thought it was funny. Only person complaining is you, about something worthless like "class"

lol okay

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