
I didn't get the impression that Logan was behind her decision, it's about what she's doing with her life, and where she is, regardless of whether she's with Logan or not.

The idea that VM season 2 or 3 is as bad as Homeland got during season 2… Just, no. I actually don't think season 3 was that bad at all. The middle mini-arc wasn't great but it wasn't as convoluted as season 2 was.

I actually saw Serenity before I saw Firefly and loved it. I did then see the show (years ago now) but to be honest never really warmed to it as much as Whedon's other shows (including Dollhouse). I like Veronica Mars as a show/character etc a lot more and had a smile on my face throughout the whole film, but I

Really? Hannibal and The Fall are pretty great, Great Expectations wasn't but she was memorable in the role. She could be doing a lot worse.

I feel like there's been a fair amount of buzz since the first season aired. I'm kind of expecting ratings to be better.

I saw Red Dragon like ten years or so ago (when I was about 15), and I've not seen Manhunter, but I'm reading the book now and totally loving it. I remember quite liking the film, but the book is so much more interesting. Especially in the sense that Hannibal is such a minor character, but it really delves into the

There are a few big ones I haven't seen, but of the ones I HAVE I'd have to go with Braveheart. The second half in particular is just SO preposterous and the tone far too self-serious for it to be dismissed as 'just a bit of fun'. Laughably bad, shouldn't have even been nominated. As a sidenote, I did really quite

Where they found the bombed out 'Earth', and the mutiny episodes, but hey, fair enough.

Yeah. I guess my point was that the finale itself didn't make this a problem, the rest of season 4 did. But to be honest, even watching it at the time, by season 4 they'd basically forgotten about the constellation-map and it was going to be hard to make that *make sense*. It always seemed like a bit of a plot

Really? Revalations/Sometimes a Great Notion and Blood on the Scales/The Oath didn't do it for you? They were some of the best episodes of the show and hit greater heights than the latter half of season 3.

For me, the lack of momentum in the last half of season 3 was that there were quite a few standalone episodes which simply weren't that great. Some were better than others and I've got no problem with the show occasionally letting the narrative take a backseat to the characters (this episode being a great example of

I think that the weakest stretch was definitely second half of season 3-first half of season 4. Am I the only one who really liked season 3 up until Eye of Jupiter/Rapture inclusive? (except Hero)

I don't see how the finale messes with that part of the mythology? the 'Earth' they see the constellations from (which was always kinda dumb, and how did they get out of the tomb anyway?) was supposed to represent the original 'destroyed' Earth they found in Revalations. The final Earth they ended up on (our planet)

The angels/god/spiritual stuff was fine with me. I don't know, watching the show from the beginning and expecting there to be some sort of 'explanation' for the head Six/mysticism parts of the show… I don't get it. She basically called herself 'an angel from God' in the first season. The show ended by saying there was

I disagree. They weren't as strong, but the first half of season 3 was very good on the whole (the New Caprica arc was my favourite segment of the show). Elements of the mythology got convoluted, sure, but there's still some great stuff right up until the end.

That was glorious. I have no idea what movie she thought she was in, but I definitely wanted to see more of it.

I've only seen the first episode but already I'm like 'You can delete text threads and contacts from iPhones all you want but there'll be a backup of all of that!' But I guess it might not have been as dramatic if Frank asked her to delete her iCloud account and reformat her MacBook hard drive as well.

As a gay person, I was a bit confused about it. It didn't seem quite like he was far enough 'down' or his legs were lifted up enough to get full-on 'access', but the "relax, you just showered" line was pretty self-explanatory.

I've seen one in Andrea Arnold's Red Road, what looked like an outline of one in Haigh's Weekend, and also I seem to remember one in the upcoming Under the Skin, which I saw at the London Film Festival. That's it, other than the films which basically have 'real sex' in them.

I read that too, but according to the Twitter Q&A that Tovey did, it's actually five (which means all but one of the upcoming episodes).