
I feel like Scream should definitely be here - from the stars, to the 'cool ironic' take on a classic genre, to the haircuts - just quintessential.

Shocking that the first 2 aren't in the bottom 2 rankings. DH Part 2 was a fantastic entry - the Snape stuff was handled brilliantly and it's the first time I can say that Radcliffe was actually very good. 3, 6, 7 (both parts) are top tier, and the rest follow.

Just watch it without paying for it. Buy a ticket to another film on at about the same time when it's not super busy and just make your way into the one playing this ;)

Indeed - Margaret had plenty of supporters calling it a flawed masterpiece when it came out in theatres. The 'Extended Cut' (which was called by the director an alternative version of the film - and looked like a workprint - rather than a definitive director's cut) received plenty of mixed responses with many people

Loved this, but feel a special shout out is is deserved for the Kevin/Patrick scene being absolutely electric and ultimately heartbreaking - the most poignant moment in the movie and such a great example of how this show's drama just feels so *real*, and how empathetic it is to it's characters.

I also really enjoyed this episode and felt like Kes was a wasted character - the excuse that they had 'taken the character as far as she could go' when she was written out was such rubbish when you've got one-note irritants like Neelix and Kim still there. Warlord, Before and After and her role in Scorpion was really

Ugh, Unimatrix Zero was the worst Voyager 2-parter. The first part had it's moments, but the second part was really the epitome of 'the Borg are stupid in Voyager' - the way they dealt with that assimilation storyline with the queen unable to find the 3 crew members until Tuvok randomly 'succumbs' as though the Borg

I'll take the 'seasonal album' over Beekeeper and American Doll Posse tbh.

Exactly. As the reviewer says, if the High Sparrow dies in a violent attempt to rescue her, he will have still won, in a sense as he and members of the Faith Millitant will have martyred themselves. She's manoeuvred things to save herself without any bloodshed, and get the High Sparrow and Tommen on her side - I

I don't know, I kind of accepted it as a WTF surprise to be explained in future, just because it doesn't make sense to us now it doesn't mean it was badly written.

Agreed - this season definitely feels the most focused and enjoyable since the first half of season 2. Yes it's all quite silly and pulpy, but it was always like that, and some of these reviews feel a bit nit-picky to me.

Based on what people like Ron Moore say about the Voyager writing room and the execs at UPN, everyone was pretty hemmed in by what they could and couldn't do on that show, so I'm not sure I'd hold those episodes against him given that, and the fact it was the start of his career. Someone with a history in Trek, who

Rated R is quite good. But it is the only one of hers I've heard all the way through before Anti.

I find it hard to judge 'as well as Duchovny'…. I suppose that just based on him heading up another long running US based drama, but I feel like she's become incredibly respected and popular with far more diverse high-profile roles, not to mention laden with awards. Certainly here in the UK she's really well-known and

Maybe it's the fact I'm in the UK and she's done a lot of significant TV over here but I feel the general public are far more aware of GA than DD at this point.

That implies the rest of the ensemble were good but did we really care about Batista, Quinn, etc either?

I feel like OB relied on a very serialised plot crammed with cliffhangers that it doesn't share much DNA with the X-Files aside from some of the silly/fun sci-fi stuff. I think something like Elementary is more in-line with X-Files… Mostly standalone mysteries with some arc stuff, great chemistry between a male and

Surely the solution to this is getting someone in the know to cherry pick the episodes to get you through?

This was definitely the pop song of the year, and still my favourite from an excellent album

Yeah, I have to say I always found Northern Lights a bit of a slog, the stuff with the gyptians and the polar bears, blah blah blah. The opening/Mrs Coulter, the daemon cage stuff, and the very end are all that stand out. Loved the next two though. Hope this adaptation is for the whole thing.