““It seemed like a cool idea, sorry if I offended anyone, glad I got paid.””
““It seemed like a cool idea, sorry if I offended anyone, glad I got paid.””
I came to say the same thing in different words! I agree. No matter what she says, or how sincere an apology she might give, there are a lot of very vocal people who won’t accept it and will use it as an opportunity to slam her further. It’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation. Personally, if I were…
Popcorn lung?
“Your presence is present enough. If you do feel compelled to gift something, please donate to one of the following charities in our name.” Or something along those lines is how I would do it. :-)
I feel like sad Brad making sculptures between bong hits might be a more interesting person to talk to than happy, sober Brad. And then I feel bad for thinking that someone might be more interesting sad and stoned than happy (or at least content) and sober.
Money and fame can trick a lot of people into thinking you might be better than you actually are. *points to the White House as a prime example*
Can’t be racist towards white people in a country where being white is considered the majority or the race in power, as white people in the U.S. are. One can be discriminatory towards white people, or prejudiced towards white people, but to be racist is to have both a combination of prejudice and intrinsic…
One person. Out of how many? I will continue to distribute that blame to the families as well, thank you.
Those are some fair points. I’d be interested in that as well.
I have been in many assisted living centers both as a visitor as well as a volunteer and employee. I am well aware that not everyone is fortunate to visit them. However, enough people are fortunate to have visitors and those visitors have a responsibility to their relative - and to the other residents - to do things…
WTF is wrong with people that they just abandon their parents? Some parents I get - I’ve met seen some pretty horrible parenting, and sometimes it’s a matter of distance with a child or relative not being able to move to the elder’s area, and the elder not being willing to move to theirs, but for the people whose…
I have had relatives in long-term care, including an aunt with dementia that decided I was my dead mother since I look so much like my mom did. It was rough. Correcting her to my name upset her, so I finally decided that if she needs me to be my mom, I’ll be mom for an hour. I’m sorry that your aunt was so upset by…
Yeah, I get that, but jeez, when a person visits, are they not checking out the condition of the living environment? Asking questions? Raising hell when they see the bites on their loved ones? I mean yeah, someone finally noticed that one of the elders had bites all over her and was covered in bugs, but why did it…
I’m sure this is going to come off as blaming families, and I’m not sure that’s wrong because where the hell have the relatives of the residents been through all this? Why have children and grandchildren and other relatives who might visit not noticed that their loved ones were covered in bites and bugs? Is this a…
I bet he thought he logged out because he swiped the app up so it wouldn’t be running in the background anymore.
You mean his daughter?
LOL too true.
I hear Amazon still sells her stuff.
I don’t even like it on the model. I was thinking ‘empire waist’ by your description, but even on the model it looks like it’s cut too high.