My mom was a wedding photographer and it was not uncommon for her clients to look like they could be siblings. People tend to go for people who have features similar to theirs. It’s a shown thing.
My mom was a wedding photographer and it was not uncommon for her clients to look like they could be siblings. People tend to go for people who have features similar to theirs. It’s a shown thing.
I think it has more to do with Utah - I live in the Detroit area and I have a huge number of girlfriends who are dedicated childfree.
Oh my goodness, please re-write the entire obituary like that!
I left roller derby, for which I was a NSO, after being told that if I don’t like the male skater/photog who raped me, that I just don’t have to talk to him, but they like his photography and he’s a dues-paying member, so I, as a non-paying, non-skating official, could go fuck myself. He even gave them a written…
Yeah well. Collectively, people are assholes.
My impression of it is that dad has some pretty serious mental and emotional health issues and it’s the half-sister who has been trying to milk things.
I was being totally sarcastic. :-D
I mean, yes? And duh? Isn’t that how that works? One person makes it and then has to support or payoff the family that hasn’t? That’s how that works, right?
Well fuck.
Well, I mean, I have a shit relationship with most of my family and my biological father, the one I’ve got left, is emotionally distant at best and utterly negligent at worst. I have no intention of inviting him, or frankly, most of my family to my wedding, should I ever get married. That said, I do still have…
By “crazy” do you mean SUPER American? I feel as though this whole cashing-in thing is a very US-American thing to do and they are doing it well.
Has anyone figured out how to play the majority of the games on a MAC? It seems that most of them are only for Windows, and I don’t have a computer with windows. :-(
When I use this mask, I follow it with a moisturizing mask. <3 it.
When I use this mask, I follow it with a moisturizing mask. <3 it.
That’s what I thought. So how is this price headline worthy or even of note? This is an example of junk, manipulative headlining and poorly thought profiteering. Way to go, Kinja and Lucas. Two very sarcastic thumbs up.
That’s what I thought. So how is this price headline worthy or even of note? This is an example of junk,…
How much is it at Amazon usually?
How much is it at Amazon usually?
He’s the reason I stopped watching the Doctor and was the reason I had to talk myself into giving The Crown a chance. I’m glad I was able to, because the show is great.
Thank you! And yes, I am in total support of equal access at the Wall. If I didn’t have PTSD and claustrophobia, I would be with the women protesting how women are treated there.
Wig caps! Wig caps are great not only for holding natural hair up, but they also protect the wig from our skin’s natural oils and they last longer.:-)
Your other options are wigs. I love wigs and have found some great ones on amazon as well as ebay and at many beauty supply shops. Wigs are really fun, you can spend the cash to get one really nice one that is custom fit to your head (there are also groups that help fund this), and you can get the less expensive ones…