
You have a medical condition, so this isn’t just about appropriation, this is also about you being able to leave your house with confidence and feeling as beautiful on the outside as you do on the inside. So fuck the haters and wear the Orthodox style scarves. If anyone gives you crap, tell them that a young woman you

Also this, “El-Amin Naeem says that in the workshops she holds on headwrapping, Caucasian American women are often apprehensive about wearing a scarf, out of fear for cultural misappropriation. They don’t want to be seen like they are mimicking a culture, even though they want to wrap their hair. “But when you look at

For getting a bandana to stay on, I use cute bobby pins on either side of my head. It works well for me.

Yup. I had sex with the ex who raped me a few hours after, in an attempt to “erase” the memory and “prove” to myself it had been a one-off. :-(

Except isn’t she supposedly white power and conservative? I bet she secretly voted for Orange Joffrey.

“...another commenter responded that Kate just seems like someone who really enjoys her husband’s dick.”

Possibly because abuse is a pattern and a therapist would be legally able to report suspected continued abuse based on what the client said. Not a therapist or lawyer, so just surmising.

You’re welcome!

Wow. I had no idea. All remaining respect officially lost. Damn, Cate! Way to be an enabler!

When people talk about “white feminism” they are talking about the tendency of cis-gendered* white women, particularly middle and upper-class white women, to ignore the issues that don’t affect them. For example, an upper-class white woman (I’m going to use Sheryl Sanders as my example, because as much as I love her

I would highly recommend not holding the BDSM community up as a paragon of consensual behavior. The abuses within the community are widespread and hush-hush. I’ve heard way too many stories of “so-and-so claims they didn’t hear me saying the safe word/said that I agreed to it in a conversation and didn’t realize it

That’s not a unibrow, those are five stray hairs.

I would be overwhelmed if I tried to count how many friends and friends of friends on my FB have posted and/or commented on posts stating how fucked up this is and how Mattel should be ashamed of themselves and redesign the doll. I personally think they should include a wheel chair and darken her skin tone, as they I

It hurt my throat more than anything else I’ve done. I hit it and coughed immediately. At first it was just fun and it was something that you could do anywhere.

I’ll be sure to tell my white sister-in-law who travels to various countries within the African continent each month to work on AIDS relief and education that she’s a white-savior POS for helping there instead of in the US. I mean, she must be right? You certainly seem to think so. #HolierThanThou

My impression is that her friend hadn’t even gone yet - was just excited about going where she was going to build schools. :-/

It’s a woman’s job to maintain a baseline of ethical standards, just as it is a man’s job. I’m not saying Clinton was in the right, far from it. I am however saying that she acted like a trashy, disrespectful wench, and she was old enough to know better, as was he. And of course I don’t refuse to dine privately with

It can be a consensual act and insanely wrong on his end at the same time.

Sorry not sorry, I knew better than to go after people in monogamous relationships by the time I was a teenager. When I have inadvertently gotten involved with someone who lied and told me they were single, I ended the relationship the moment I found out. It didn’t matter who the guy was or what his position of power w

I am so sorry that happened to you.