WHY?? Why did you not buy it, gothic lolita yourself out and take photos for us!? That sounds kind of amazing, in a suitably horrifying sort of way.
WHY?? Why did you not buy it, gothic lolita yourself out and take photos for us!? That sounds kind of amazing, in a suitably horrifying sort of way.
If one is a healthier-eating vegan, one is less likely to develop issues with constipation due to consuming so much fiber. That said, if one is a frozen meals vegan, or has an opioid problem, or has a hormone drop right before their menses, then no.
You’re welcome! Read the blood-test section because I went on the high end with the numbers. The entire article gives really good information with solid sources. And yes, it would be best to test the drink, and there are test strips and nail polishes that can do that.
GHB is detectable for up to 8 hours after taking it. It peaks at about 45 minutes and goes down steadily after that.
You know something? I hadn’t made that connection before, but now that I’m thinking about it, I know a number of people who voted for Trump, and not a single one of them is an avid book reader. Though a number of them “do read the bible every Sunday.” (Taken from a conversation I had years ago with a Trump supporting…
And I’m fucking sick of people like you perpetuating the stereotypes and denying my Jewish identity because I don’t look like Anne Frank. Maybe you’re the one who’s being obtuse, acting as though people who don’t look like your narrowly defined idea of Jewish should be hidden away or not represented. I could give two…
Please, tell me, what does a Jew look like? I ask this as a Jew. Just what, exactly, am I as a Jew “supposed” to look like in order to look like my people?
If Ke$ha is so far down your list of cares, why are you engaging in so much conversation/debate about her? People who don’t care don’t click the article links, don’t comment on the article links, and certainly don’t respond to nearly everyone that comments in return. I think you care very much, or are doing a great…
And he wouldn’t start a war or some international crisis with a 2am tweet.
Where can I obtain a link to just the muscle cub clip? I have a friend who really needs this on his wall.
If he’s your dad, yes.
That picture makes me sad because the kid is so far away from his parents - it speaks to a lack of connection. I hope for his sake I’m just reading too much into it.
You mean the Hitler Channel?
On the plus side, if Carrie does go first [2016, DON’T YOU DARE!], her mother won’t be left with the guilt of never having mended the relationship.
I remember sobbing on the phone to my father one day about how I’m pretty convinced I’d be alone forever after the traumatic end of yet another abusive relationship. He assured me that I would, that he knows I will, that there’s someone for everyone.
Agreed. In the show that piece of her intense dislike is left out and so the depths of her hatred for him are never fully understood they way they are in the books. I had completely forgotten about that. Maybe it’s time to re-read the series. You know, before the next installment comes out. AHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Agreed. There were two rapes, of all the rapes in GoT, that didn’t feel like horribly written BS plot devices. The first was on Dani and Drogo’s wedding night, which was so hard to watch, and I was flipped out by it at first. I didn’t want to watch the second episode and I’m really glad the friend showing me talked…
He has a Trump Tower in DC now. Watch him switch his living quarters there.
Tara came from a very manipulative family who tried to force her home to be a merry housewive on her 18th birthday because “the women of our family have demon in them!” (She was not part demon, as Spike punching her in the face and feeling clearly showed - which he did to see if she was demon, not to be a turd.) It’s…