
I agree with your last paragraph completely. It was a really unnecessary thing to have happened and the story line would have been just as good, possibly better, without that scene.

I was able to get past the attempted rape scene for two reasons: 1, he didn’t have a soul. 2, that was the catalyst for him putting himself through the ringer so he could get a soul. Had he had a soul when he tried that, had he not shown genuine remorse and taken drastic measures to ensure it wouldn’t happen again,

Right? Someone wants me to wear their site/company name emblazoned across my bosom, they dang well better be paying me to do it. Someone wants me to wear artwork emblazoned across my bosom with their site name in smallish print underneath, I’m down to pay for that.

True story: I was on the toilet pooping when he said that, and I nearly fell off from the laughing. How he has such a skewed view of himself is totally beyond me.

Done! Offer for man-swap accepted!

“World class mom, scientist, and maker of mean beef stroganoff...”

There’s a woman in the group photo, the red head, who is smiling in a way that is more, “You can make me show my teeth, but you can’t make me actually smile!” and I kind of <3 her for it.

Wearing a huge ring + sweat pants means you have too much money combined with too little respect. Or something. I’m almost sure of it.

Seriously, if I had a grandma with a Rolls that she wasn’t driving and was totally okay with me driving, I would absolutely chose that over a bus. I would also chose a beat up, 15 yo car being held together by duct tape so long as the a/c and heat still worked and it got me from point A to point B in one piece. It has

So wait- Prime members get $30 off any order over $150? Or only off certain orders? Because there’s something pricy I’ve been eyeballing and if it’s going to be $30 off today, I’m gettin’ it!

So wait- Prime members get $30 off any order over $150? Or only off certain orders? Because there’s something pricy

Sulu and his hubs had a surrogate mother for their child! :-P

Why does that story line mean Sulu was in the closet? Why not Sulu was being experimental? Or Sulu is homoflexible? Or Sulu is bi with a male partner? Or Sulu identified as straight until he met his partner? There are so many paths that history could take.

On Amazon, it has 4/5 stars and 481 customer reviews, so I’m guessing this is one of the better ones on the market. Not that this answers your question, but maybe it helps?

On Amazon, it has 4/5 stars and 481 customer reviews, so I’m guessing this is one of the better ones on the market.

Just make sure that marble bathtub is actually marble so you don’t end up accidentally burning down the mansion. ;-)

I’m a little in love with Lianna the Bear. She’s either going to be a serious force to be reckoned with as an adult, or she’s going to crack up and lose her shit during puberty. I’m rooting for the former. I think there should be a GoT follow-up series that focuses on her adventures.

New date night, “Book Store & Chill.” You go to the bookstore, find a sofa to share, select your books, get your wine or (spiked) hot cocoa, and read something new together. Maybe take it home, maybe just check out the first chapter of a few potentials. This would be an awesome date night.

And what happened to Gendry? He rowed off in his little boat and hasn’t been seen or heard from since! He was one of my favorite dudes, so I want him to come back. Sooner rather than later would be nice.

I love the no helmet laws because I think motorcycles and the people who drive them are super sexy, but only if they wear a helmet. The more coverage the helmet gives, the hotter I think the biker is. Those who chose not to wear helmets? I love them too, because they make it easy to tell which motorcyclists should get

There’s a Lebanese grandma-aged lady who swims at the gym I go to. This lady, she’s super religious, and has a swim suit that is a full-on, covered from head to toe spandex swimsuit for religious Muslim women. I cannot tell you, as someone who loves to swim but hates showing off my legs, how much I wanted that

I certainly get that: Certain times of the month, ie, the day before and the first day or two of my period, the smell of fish, especially raw fish makes me want to hurl. It’s not an “anytime/anywhere” thing for me, which in a way, makes it even more awesome and special. :-P