And this is how we know she likely has not danced en pointe. Youchers.
And this is how we know she likely has not danced en pointe. Youchers.
I view the “preferred” in much the same way as when a parent or boss “asks” me to do something. I know it isn’t really a request - it’s a social contract of making something seem like a favor. It’s a way of being polite.
What is this from?
Oh fuck. Thank you for posting that. That really isn’t something people really talk about in abortion debates. What a horrific experience to have had!
Which means what? That her life was meaningless? Unimportant? Unworthy of discussion and her death unworthy of outrage? There have been times in my life in which I haven’t been anyone’s angel. Did I deserve to die? I’m sure there have been times (like when you wrote that comment perhaps?) when you have been “no…
I commonly forget to eat lunch because I’m ADHD and kind of a ditz. I will get so absorbed in what I’m doing that I forget to eat - until I notice my hands are shaking, I have a headache, and I just snapped at someone for no good reason. Then I think to myself, “Crap! I forgot to have lunch again!” And then I get lost…
Depends on the gun range? The range I go has a high population of blacks and middle easterners.
Can’t you even set your preferences on OKC to only show you people of certain ethnicities? Or to recommend matches more heavily tilted towards ethnic preferences? It’s been a bit since I’ve used OKC, and I seem to recall being able to restrict or open the dating field petty thoroughly.
“Tough titty said the kitty but the milk tastes fine.”
Seeing her trying to explain the validity of anti-vaxxers to an elderly Irish lady who lived through the polio era and had childhood diptheria was something I shall treasure.
So theory, based on the fact that I’m quite possibly a total nutter for believing in past lives: what if she was black in a past life and is still seeing herself as she was in that lifetime, despite the fact that her circumstances in this lifetime have changed? I realized it’s a far-out hypothesis, and doesn’t make…
I never said it sucked for me. As hard as it was, I loved it. I look back on those years of a good relationship with my parents even while I was staking my own claim to independence with fondness. I’m sorry you don’t know how to read without reading into things. Enjoy your life of cranky excuses and victimhood. I wish…
Oh cry me a fucking river. If a person doesn’t like living under their parents thumbs, they can find a way out, just like I did. I never said it was easy, I just said that I did it. I lived in an attic for months that was unfinished because the landlord was a friend’s parent and was willing to let me breath fiberglass…
It is not unreasonable for a parent who isn’t getting a response to continue to try to connect with their kid. If the kid decides that college isn’t for them, of course they can tell their parents that they are off their parents’ income and dropping out. Then they can get a job and support themselves. It’s not as…
THANK YOU!! Kid doesn’t want mom intruding into her life, than kid can pay for her own education. If a child is living off their parents, they absolutely DO have an obligation to return phone calls and give updates, if for no other reason than to let the parent know their dollars aren’t going to all-night benders…
OMFG, I love this video and must bookmark it immediately! Thank you!
Maybe a glutton for punishment who roots for the underdog? I dunno, but I’m the same way. There’s a Chipotle near my therapist’s office, and I’m debating going next Saturday on my way in.
The food is ‘meh’ but not more ‘meh’ than any other fast food chain I’ve been to. What isn’t ‘meh’ about them is the level of choice to be had in how it’s prepared, and the fact that while ‘meh’ it is still a significantly healthier ‘meh’ than Taco Hell, Wendy’s, McD’s, and Subway.
“I’m just playing devil’s advocate.”