
I can’t answer for other people, but I can answer that for me: it’s in my “deal breakers” if a potential mate doesn’t get on with their family. It’s because I don’t really have a family of my own. I mean, I do, but not only do they all live hours away, I don’t have a relationship to speak of with most of them. This

That’s not a botched butt. Those are the before and after comparison cheeks.

What a waste - both in time and money, if her detested heirs are able to get the money anyway. What she should have done (not that it matters in the least now), was withdraw them money and make an anonymous donation to the charities of her choice. Then the will could read, “I’ve donated all y’all’s inheritance and

There’s something about their body language in relation to one another that doesn’t jive - in any of the photos I’ve seen them both in. Just me?

Now their coupons drop in value after a certain date. I will freely admit, when I realized their coupons lose value, I, who have been very well programmed with the 20% that never expires, will only buy one or two items at a time with the 20% off coupon. Not that I shop there for more than one or two items a year

You know what tastes just like a Thin Mint, at a fraction of the cost? Keebler Grasshoppers.

Be honest: Yoda wrote that last line, yes? :-P

Didn’t Salt ‘n Peppa do a song about how haters gonna hate and players gonna play? Maybe he’s the one who should be sued; by them.

How were the cats euthanized? If they were properly put down, by a vet, why was she allowed to leave the office with 14 dead kittens? There are holes in this story.

We had that problem when a gf of mine found a litter of kittens. Not a single shelter in the area would take them, so I ended up clearing out some attic space and about 5 of us posted their pictures on our facebooks and busted butt to rehome them ourselves. We were floored that even the shelters that have kill

I changed my last name. I decided one night that I might never get married, and I was done waiting for a “good reason” to change a name I didn’t care for, so I sat down, played with some words that have meaning to me, and came up with a surname that is a combination of Hebrew and Yiddish. I love it.

Was the certificate issued before, or after the hymen restoration surgery?

He certainly doesn’t deserve to have been painted in sacred lady blood. This peeves my uterus. I worry she may try to hold on to what is left of the blood so it can’t ever be used in this manner.

I think it makes the most logical sense if say, you live in a house with kids and the kids need bedrooms, too. My grandmother attributed the fact that she didn’t divorce or murder-in-his-sleep my mostly deaf, always with the TV on, snoring at the decibels of a freight-train, grandfather to her bedroom down the hall.

Right? And having an actual person over to sleep on that side of the bed can actually be a little annoying, because where are the books and journals, and tarot cards going to go? It won’t all fit on the nightstand... :-P

I’ve always liked the idea of conjoined apartments. My apartment, his apartment, and an apartment in the middle for shared time. Both our apartments would have interior doors to the center apartment so that we wouldn’t have to put on a bathrobe to go through the hallway.

Watching that video makes dolphin “assisted” birthing look kind of nifty. I’m confused about the “assisted” part though. How exactly did the dolphin assist? Did “call” the baby from the womb with it’s high-pitched squeaking? I feel like “Dolphin Observed Birthing” would be a better descriptor.

I beg to differ, having grown up with dogs and not finding my soulmate in an animal until I found my eldest cat. He walks in my dreams, sleeps next to my pillow, has his own special stool by my bathtub because he wants to be near me always, even when I’m bathing. The other night, I couldn’t fall asleep, so we curled

Spastic muscle twitch. I hear the word “spazz” or “spastic” in reference to a person, I think they are being twitchy. I definitely do not associate it with developmental issues! Funny how it can be interrupted in so many ways.

Geez, I’ve been out of MD for too long. MVA. In MD, it’s the MVA. Derp.