
There were 3 versions. You forgot the NBC version starring Noelle Parker. (To be fair, most everyone has forgotten Noelle Parker.)

And then, there was this guy who
Made his wife so mad one night that she cut off his wiener
And when he finally came to
He found that little Mr. Happy was missing
He couldn’t quite explain it
It’d always just


It was a magical time. Schwarzenegger and DeVito taught us to laugh again with Junior, John Wayne Bobbit taught us to love again with John Wayne Bobbit: Uncut, and Newt Gingrich taught us to believe again with The Contract With America.

Howard Stern, whose obsession with the case extended into a $260,000 fundraiser to pay for John Bobbitt’s penis reattachment surgery.

And what is a not very-strong martini? Is it like, an empty cocktail glass?

Because GamerGate, I believe.

Remember when the word “meme” actually meant something other than a poorly photoshopped image? Richard Dawkins must be spinning in his grave.

*reads news of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend renewal*

Reddit: Like a wall in a gas station restroom, but infinite!

Pink Panther was better ! – RebeccaOfSunnyBrook-, Farm. Parish of Westminster., United Kingdom, 2 days ago

The apostle I want a movie about is Judas Thaddaeus, it could be called, The Other Judas and he spends the whole film saying “No, that was a different Judas!”

This is where my TONGUE lives!

And an apology.

That is my understanding too. New Line owned the name and just attached it to an already written script called Cyber God.

A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: They don’t know how.

Can I ask, why? I’ve met people who’ve not seen BJH, but I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like it. I am over the moon for that show and am always interested in hearing critical takes on things I love unabashedly.

More likely, one of the rational, well-adjusted, emotionally stable people who volunteer to live in a small, isolated container for ~300 days with a bunch of relative strangers to help a billionaire colonize another planet will do something that kicks off Mars War I and kill all the colonists.

Sure, but the point is that if you had invested a bunch of money in Google Glass (were such investment possible), you would have lost that money. An idea ahead of its time may get respect in the history books but it is still a bad investment.

Yeah I always got a bad vibe from him when I watched the Cosby Show too. He was a self righteous asshole who thought he was always right, plus his ‘antics’ weren’t funny.