
In a perfect world this would have been the award winner American Beauty was. Just a gorgeous looking film, and all the performances are excellent (including the kids, no small feat).

A year later, and I still haven’t grown the slightest bit tired of the Fyre Festival. I need there to be books, oral histories, Lifetime movies, manga comics, Broadway musicals about it. I’ll spend money on all of them.

Man, I loved looking over the brochure after this went down. It was covered in meaningless management horseshit like “Ideate -> Conceptualize -> Execute”. That got a whole page!

Anyone actively setting out to make a ‘midnight movie’ is bound to fail.

Is it okay to feel sympathy for these two individuals specifically for the harassment they endured, while also thinking the mere fact that they worked at InfoWars means they are extremely bad people?

Yeah, well said. I always point to Star Wars as a great example. We see a whole planet full of people get killed but it is so absurd and fantastical that you can’t compare it to the violence of, say, Taxi Driver.

I always felt the 2011 Oscars had a fantastic lineup with the most frustrating outcome.
Social Network, Toy Story 3, True Grit, Winter’s Bone, the Fighter, Black Swan, 127 Hours, Inception, and The Kids Are Alright.
What won over all those awards?
The King’s Speech. It won Best Director over David Fincher and Darren

Pulp Fiction probably suffers a bit from the same syndrome as The Matrix or even Clerks, in that it was so influential that when you look back at it, it seems full of cliches. But it was the movies that emulated or parodied these films over and over that turned them into cliches. No fault of the originals.

Is this comment satirical?

The movie you live in sounds terrible.

ditto. because they are correctly locked in a locker in my basement where they can’t accidentally harm someone, which is far greater worry than a home invasion.

Death Wish has always been explicitly political in every form (though it’s varied on where it falls). Asking for a review on Death Wish that doesn’t get into the politics of gun violence is missing the entire point of Death Wish, that’s the entire foundation of the story and its themes. It’s not Die Hard.

Tone matters in these things.

Based on a True Story.

Here, have an incredibly reluctant upvote.

AMC put this trailer in front of Black Panther and I have never seen an audience turn so hostile so quickly

It certainly makes sense that the person who created Full House AND Fuller House is a complete monster

Remember when the idea of an armed vigilante standing guard outside a school was a joke only made on an outrageous TV comedy instead of a legitimate policy being floated by the Republican party?

Men need to be taught the difference between fantasy and reality. We have several generations of men who have been spoon fed ridiculous macho man fantasies of one man taking out hundreds of anonymous ninjas/storm troopers/orcs and it’s so pervasive they believe it. It’s pathetic, but it’s what both Hollywood and the

That ain't Star Wars.