
See? This is only further proof that Rory should have ended up with Tristan!

Actually, I think it does deserve to be a novel. And possibly a film based on that novel.

I had a weird dream that I let Vladimir Putin grope me, then chloroformed him so that I could go shopping with my mom.

I bet there is a German word for this phenomenon. It’s the friggin best!

Yes, and I hate this so much. I used to be so good at pooping, too. Now it’s like “Am I done? I’m not done. Am I going to have to dig it out?” Awful.

sheesh, she said it was anusdotal, didnt she?

My 10yr-old daughter and I love potty humor and have decided that whenever we are going to announce that we are going to take a crap it shall henceforth be exclaimed, “I’m going to take a Trump!” Or, “Don’t go in there, I just took a steamy Trump!” Or, “Hey dad, if you’re gonna stink up the bathroom with a massive

I poop as often as I can, but then again, I’m an hourly employee

As a dude,it’s my job to be gassy.

The controller is the most iconic part of this though. Say they decided to release a new NES controller and instead of 2 buttons in the middle they placed a 3rd button on top of the two buttons with a home icon.... It would be a problem for most people. Most people are buying it to recreate the feeling of sitting in

But the thing is, you don’t have to buy extra parts. The problem exists because people think this is supposed to behave like a modern console. Even if Nintendo had made the cords longer, people would complain about having to get up to hit “Reset”. I think these concessions gave us the $60 price tag. That’s a number

and I’m here like they wanted to keep it as classic as possible.... Is it really that much trouble to get up and press a button for nostalgia sake? If so why didn’t you just buy the games on the eShop? They didn’t put a button on the controller because that would likely break the nostalgia when you look down at the

... which means that most people will either have to A) get a new controller, B) get an extension cord, or C) dangle an HDMI cable across their living rooms, risking danger to their significant others, pets, and Roombas.

How about the ladies just stop fucking Republicans?

Just make sure you’re not fucking someone who voted against you.

if by “for all intents and purposes” you mean “in my pills and cheap-whiskey fueled fever dreams”

Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

I’m working through the stages of grief. you?

If I may... I would like to share a response I placed on FB today to a friend of mine who said we should love and embrace Trump Supporters: “If you had seen the terror on the faces of my Muslim colleagues and the horror on the faces of my Muslim students, and the collective and utter disbelief of all of my colleagues

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?