
a thousand times, this

plus the plural would not have an apostrophe . . . .

i read this quick as “white males left unharpooned” and was happy with it

thanks for including Martini & Goldstein’s analysis. others seem to consistently forget their thoughtful rebuttal to the pie-in-the-sky plan.

that 3rd shot is now my desktop background ^_^

how about the two of ‘em tag teaming the narration? that would be pretty sweet

spock wants to be a hairdresser

gonna be quite the ongoing nerf fest, i bet

quite enjoyed Steambot Chronicles!

librarian fist-bump (split my time between reference and acquisitions/cataloguing)! i see plenty of those “christian anything” titles on my cataloguing carts and it drives me batty O.o

woo hoo, another odyssey2 owner! glad i still have mine ^_^

adblock plus (for firefox & chrome) does it, i don’t see any ads (so that “headphones” bit above is ??? to me)

yeah, why “farm boy” and not “retail clerk”? or “intern”?

“this app is incompatible with your device”

cannot give enough stars! loved Daley’s Solo trilogy!

another Old, i was 2 when she started!

one of the stops on our honeymoon, 19 yrs ago ^_^

yep sounds like me with world of warcraft

the last Star Frontiers release (Zebulon’s guide to frontier space) was basically a conversion to the color chart for that game, too

still play that one on a regular basis! (my latest gen consoles are still only ps2 & wii, alas). this one—might make me get an xb1