
I was torn between Richard and Charles, but I think I’ll go with Dickles.

She was enacting just punishment on her parents for naming her Ashlynd.

Feeling disappointed with this. I was hoping to find out about the Engineers, not get a rehash of Alien. I’ve seen Alien, it’s a good film. But then just about every movie after that is the same thing over and over.

Prometheus had pretty good trailers too, though.

...I do hope there’s something more to it than just trying to make Alien again. It’s still a fun ride, even so.

Well the new trailer shows some of that and it has a certain “Alien vs Predator missed the fucking point of not one, but two franchises” vibe... which is to say it looked like garbage. It’s saddening since, you know, Ridley Scott decides to keep pushing these films for no reason other than he gets paid to. At least I

Heh I still say those only exist for the Doctor McCoy joke.

Missing another O - don’t you mean venomous?

Doesn’t it automatically mean he’s poisonous too?

You want further admire Hugh Jackman. Netflix has a copy of Oklahoma! He can also sign and dance.

Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him, but for some reason the planets alligned and tons of 5-12 year olds latched on to him. His content isn’t impressive in the slightest.

If the end result is less shrill shrieking on the internet, good.

Lets just remember for a second that most currently broadcast TV is available free streamed online, or streamable with your current TV package.

More like beamed into deep space


That’s BSG parlance, not Trek.

If we get something half as good as Afterlife With Archie, I’ll be okay. That comic is amazing.

So, are Josie & the Pussycats, and Sabrina supposed to show up?

is it me or does Archie look like he’s channeling Tommy Lee Jones?