
"The same Muppet (I want to say, Ms. Piggy maybe?) said "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.""

Who's Dick?

Um I don't call Hillary a witch but:

"Out of all the bullshit from the last election, one of the things that got to me the most was how so many people became convinced that Hillary was just a power-hungry witch."

That's why Harry Potter was a horrible idea, and all the countless other books and movies with child protagonists suck and are unpopular among kid audiences.

"Well, Game of Thrones has shown that you can have kids in a good story. The thing is the prequels were never a good story to begin with. "

It was a somewhat snobbier time - most blockbusters released today would be called "for children" by lots of cunts back then because it wasn't Serious Art Kino.

"So it's more like "Hey, I have an idea: Let's cast Sam Jackson as a calm, level-headed monk that shuns anger and violence, but cast him as the only member of this order of calm, level-headed monks who doesn't actually give a fuck about the monk order's calmness and level-headedness, except we'll rewrite the character

"Hey, I have an idea: Let's cast Sam Jackson as a calm, level-headed monk that shuns anger and violence!"

"Yeah, if you can't get a good performance out of Samuel L. Jackson, then all the other actors get a pass too."

Titanic review:
"These two are moustache twirling cartoon villains - but here's a few scenes where they actually show nuance, and there are two ways to look at it: are they sociopaths pretending to be human, or morally grey characters who have to play a social role? More nuanced scenes with them would've been

"I always knew the prequels were bad, but couldn't quite put my finger on it."
Since most of RLM's talking points are sloppy nonsense, you still can't.

"I agree. Also, the level of hate directed at RLM is actually hilarious. I'll never understand why so many people don't at least appreciate that they know what they're talking about"
Because they don't.

CGI IS CRUDE MATTER AND HAS NO SOUL; IT HAS NO SOUL (((except Gollum whom the same people drool over - cognitive dissonance, not consistent critical framework ))).

"I also agreed with the argument that Yoda fighting with a lightsaber basically contradicted what Yoda was about, and that the lightsabers were overused in general."
That's merely a purist argument though

"The (I think) Episode 3 review was especially persuasive for me, with it's discussion of static dialogue framing. It was like a switch flipped on in my head, and after that the prequels seemed not just mediocre, but like actively bad movies."

Indiana Jones was great. SW reviews are sloppy garbage.

"The prequel reviews are some of the finest cinematic critical analysis I've ever seen. I'm only being slightly facetious when I'm saying that watching the videos should allow college film students to waive out of introductory cinematic critical studies courses."

Evidently you're unfamiliar with the content of said 128 I mean 129 comments.

"Again, he wasn't talking about ALL defenses of the prequels (he covered most of that stuff in his original reviews of the prequels),"