"First off, the reviews don't find the original trilogy "unassailably perfect". They criticize various elements of those films, as well, such as Hamill's performance,"
"First off, the reviews don't find the original trilogy "unassailably perfect". They criticize various elements of those films, as well, such as Hamill's performance,"
Poorly explained => they're racists who hate diversity?
"The Anakin subplot is dead weight, except for the scene with the sandpeople (as 50s pastiche goes, the scene of him riding his space-motorcycle through the Dune Sea as sunset was pretty boss)."
"The compositions are fine, it's the blocking that is incredibly boring."
It does its job of showing the actors in otherwise atmospheric scenes - if the blocking (or some other aspect) is basic, but not distracting, it's almost the equivalent of complaining that the drum beat isn't too fancy.
"You could say that a lot of them show how bubbled-off the Jedi and the Republic is to the danger right in front of them. Or you could say that eight boring minutes is not a record high for a movie."
"As for the interesting compositions in Ep 3, fact is stuff like Padme and Anakin silently staring out windows towards each other is those moments are few and far between."
"not rushed out, poorly written garbage that just ripped off plot beats from the original trilogy, or inverted them. As Plinkett says"
Ok look this is a bit silly - since when is a movie fucked up (in the sense of morally condemning it) because its villains are fucked up.
"How were they the weakest examples, and how the heck is ring theory "irrelevant"? I'd say that as the most prominent and often cited defense of the prequels it is the most relevant example of what he was talking about in the video."
Yup - Lurtz was pretty much the equivalent of Maul; a bit more henchman-ey, but in role and gravitas quite comparable.
Aye - that one.
The clickbait articles were the weakest examples. (And RT an irrelevant one.)
Well as I said, most of this trilogy, and genre, can be said to be in the "classic or generic" area, so it's kinda illogical to single out the romance in that way.
Well, as it happens he's talking both about the movie, and its background - one would think the entire 1st half being about the background would've communicated that ;)
The fewest people know that, shortly before the original AV article appeared, and the FilmRejects article, leading to mockery on Redletter's message board - I'd been there, and outargued them; it took only a few exchanges for them to resort to gifs and spam, because that's all they had.
Well as long as that's the case, then sure - unless that small minority happens to be the entire studio (which is comprised of less people than the population of The West, give or take).
Eh, I'm pretty sure they were going for "classic" - not sure what you'd mean by "non-generic" or "interesting", but by that standard the whole trilogy wasn't and you're in the wrong genre :p
Lol nvm I just thought based on your comment/lingo that you'd be the kinda person to get upset at a statement like that ; )
You wanna though, under what circumstances it WILL have run amok?
Well I supposed that can be debated - but in this case, it clearly hasn't run amok, just been a bit annoying and preachy; arguably for a movie that didn't actually break any new ground.