Nalini P Montri

And what do you do for an opinion... Troll statistics and spew them out like some half assed intellectual. And to be honest the major city I work in has had more cyclist fatalities then motor vehicle fatalities, which is common for cities that have a high traffic congestion which means most accidents are relatively

Although this video is funny and makes some good points, I think it also reinforces the image of cyclists being reckless and irresponsible. When an automobile driver encounters an obstruction on the road, even if the obstruction is unlawful, they are required to stop for it and proceed when it is safe. Drivers don't

Agreed. But that is why I am working up matching primate pictures for all the Giz writers.

So the guy coming out in public is cowardice? With your logic, he would be braver not exposing his identity publicly as then he would be in danger of being killed - by 'Seal Team 6' - right? And you seriously think I'm the moron? Either you have a retardation of some kind or you're brilliant at trolling. Only Sarah