Nicholas LeVack

For $20, though? At the very least, you'll enjoy the ride. And especially the view. I mean, just look at one of the first bits of scenery you're greeted with when starting the game:

I stopped bothering with your comment when you started going off on "people on forums". Because that's what Vince likes to do. Treat the booing like some sort of pocket universe.

Enjoy your time in 1999.

I wonder how many angry e-mails Budlight with Lime and Prescott Pharmaceuticals are gonna get this week.

Everybody likes to cut up Microsoft for whatever reasons they have, but mannnn... They do some cool stuff with their research!

I don't think it's fair to cite stats like that in the absence of evidence in this instance of what did or didn't happen. I assume Temkin is innocent until proven guilty, as I hope everyone else does.

I would be interested in actually playing as an npc with limited powers but with a somehow important role to play, like as part of a quest for another player, with a script I could riff off of...

"How long is your game?" That used to be the tough one. That used to be the question a video game creator could

Here's my humble one:

But if that's how much that food costs in Denmark, wouldn't the price of this burger also be much more expensive?

A developer generating interest for his upcoming game? What is the world coming to!?

Yeah because the problem of kids not liking school is a new phenomenon...

But buying it at full price will certainly give the developer more money especially via Steam.

Here to see people complain about free games.

I can't imagine the dev doesn't get paid by Microsoft when MS gives it away.

Now playing

Yeah, well after I saw this I just about pissed myself...