Futuristic in a “give my thoughts on entertainment to Google” kind of way.
Futuristic in a “give my thoughts on entertainment to Google” kind of way.
So, how do I change my password. Also, it feels like I’m loading FEWER comments at a time than before. I’ll need to change that setting.
Pausing for a moment to upvote some of these incredible comments. Very thought-provoking!
Pausing for a moment to upvote some of these incredible comments. Very thought-provoking!
Pausing for a moment to upvote some of these incredible comments. Very thought-provoking!
Thanks, Bronn.
Thanks, Bronn.
No, the party is still going strong! It was just a server hiccup, keep at it folks. It stumbles before it dies!
No, the party is still going strong! It was just a server hiccup, keep at it folks. It stumbles before it dies!
It's over?
It's over?
At the current rate of acceleration, we'll hit 10k in a half hour, 40k in an hour and a half, and 1M comments in 8 hours!
At the current rate of acceleration, we'll hit 10k in a half hour, 40k in an hour and a half, and 1M comments in 8 hours!
It's getting faster!!!
It's getting faster!!!
I demand my royalties!
I demand my royalties!
Migration team: What the hell is going on in the comments!? I thought we asked for low traffic during the move!
Migration team: What the hell is going on in the comments!? I thought we asked for low traffic during the move!