I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”
I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”
Best piece you’ve written in a while
Yeah, I’m still really questioning a lot of this. Obviously he built something that successfully flies, which is definitely an accomplishment.
1000 Horsepower? I question that number. If he has created an engine that small that cranks out as much power as a V-12, that’s a bigger story than a flying platform.
Lucky for him, if he was gonna get fired this was the best possible thing to get fired for because it’ll likely get him another job elsewhere just on the “Prince sportscaster got fired” notoriety.
There is nothing wrong with that sports report. I thought it was rather clever. Or at least as clever as a sports reporter in Chattanooga is going to get. And it was not disrespectful. He wasn’t making fun of Prince. And why fire the guy? What about a suspension? There’s more going on here than meets the eye.
I’d say Goldfinch
Can we retire “nom” yet or what?
I can only hope that this results in a Trump response and a vigorous back and forth between the two. Inevitably Trump will call him a loser and a failure which will only give Olbermann another chance to unload on him. Please let this happen!!!
By his logic, a point after should be worth three, since it’s a field goal, and by God, all scoring plays better count the same.
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
I love Washington Journal. Some freaks call in on that show, that's for sure. Once I was watching and Cher called in.
If this guy is a protestor, Carly Fiorina is a presidential candidate.
You’ve reached our hub for all the best Black Friday deals! As you’ve probably already figured out, “Black Friday”…
Revolvers simplify techniques with shields- no reciprocating slide to worry about banging and stove-piping, which if you’ve ever played with these tactics you find out pretty quick can be a problem at infrequent yet inopportune times due to environment and movement with walls, bodies/arms, and the shield. Yes, you…
If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.
It’s a long list:
How about some executive jail time?