
Thank you. That is enlightening.

Yes. The woman just above the M in the Trump sign just keeps repeating “pomme frittes, pomme frittes...”

No, I think that’s his “discerning, intelligent, informed” look.

Here’s the logical sequence of this article:

What did Justin mean?

Sheesh, save some for the characters of the Republican Party. It's an election year you know.


For euro gigs, he goes by the name, “Lenny Sausage”.

“In my German words, we totally screwed up,” he said. A single person clapped.

If you own one of these cars, your resale value just took a dump. I smell a class action suit coming on to provide the icing on a giant shit cake. Fahfvergnugen that, motherfuckers.

“Flan. I like flan.”

Are both of these guys doing the robot like that one guy that always slipped into the dance scenes in the Chapelle Show?

A collage of recessive traits.


1. When I look at the shelves in the book store or library, I see plenty of female authors’ names, so bullshit on your overall premise.

One time, this walked into my restaurant and stayed for

Why read tabloids when we have this: