Naked Man Holding A Fudgesicle

The first guy on the left looks like he was dressed by his mom.

The Music's last album Strength in Numbers was pretty underwhelming (they're consistent), but there's a hidden track at the end called 'No Danger' which is the best song they ever recorded.

Get the hell out of here, spambot. Your pointless and nonsensical bullshit being posted seemingly at random at the top of the comment section is making it too difficult to properly read Mohd's com….oh.


And being in the fires of Hell, the poor bastard couldn't even blame the cold weather.

I'm watching a Twitch stream of thousands of players inputting commands into a single game of Dark Souls, kind of like what was done with Pokemon a while back. It's embedded here.

Dubious advice from Mr French, a guy who went out like a bitch thanks to his very own burn barrel:


I know nothing about this critic or the game, but maybe she just liked the game? Like that bit in High Fidelity: How can it be bullshit to state a preference?

Yes, I'm the one missing the point.

Oh yeah, modern games are a regurgitating ouroboros of unoriginality. But in churning out the same generic rubbish we criticize Assassin's Creed, we criticize Call of Duty, and rightfully so, but Nintendo gets a free pass even though they've been doing the same thing for decades.

The first sentence, sure (although a more 'classic uninvested' comment would be something along the lines of Beema saying 'I'm not interested in this game'). But then I go on to poke fun of some of the pictures accompanying the article. This is a contribution, whether you like the content or not. Shit dude, Newswires

Oh thank goodness, it's been whole entire minutes since Nintendo last released a game with Mario characters in it.

You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect commenter. Mohd's structural perfection is matched only by his perplexity. A commenter unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of contributing fully to the discussion. I can't lie to you about your chances of having a decent conversation

Not just any beans, that money that her father in law made part time on their apple 'labtop' bought them magic beans!

The area you speak of, Ash Lake, is most definitely worth going to because it is the coolest looking area of the game and adds a lot to the lore.

Dude, you're supposed to move straight on to NG+…

Wonderfully done, spambot. With a get rich quick scheme like the one you have described, there'd be no forced drinking of whiskey, and our neon orange skeleton legs would be debt free in no time!