Righteous Indignation

To me it sounds like a less fun version of Sia’s Cheap Thrills, but I’m not mad at it.

I’m sure you know, but just in case someone out there doesn’t: DADT was a step forward. It was imperfect but it allowed them to serve at least. At the time it was a coup and celebrated.

As someone who needs to use those spaces,I’ll tell you what I see as the problem with this . There were many, many other places where he can sit without any problem available at the moment this photo was taken. It shows, firstly, that he thinks he is above the need to obey these little ‘niceties’. In what other,

“I did not dishonor the Air Force in any way by my actions.”

Natalie Portman is beautiful but is the most wooden actor of our time. I feel as though she could be made into an armoire.

I can’t believe the gay marriage decision was so recent. And now there’s legitimate concern it might be repealed. It’s already something that feels like it’s been around forever. Ugh here come the tears.

Unfortunately, it’s little known that more Federal employees, military personnel, and Hollywood staffers lost their jobs to tbe Lavender scare than to the Red Scare. Hopefully this will start coming to greater light now (this story and Kerry’s apology to the same era’s State Dept employees together are a good start).

“Said his husband, David Rosenberg, whom he met in 1956 and married eight years ago...”


I don’t get this. He’s a very young man. Are you saying he has like, 40 or 50 years worth of appeals he can work?

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

It’s almost like different people can....feel differently!!!!!

Maybe it’s because he’s a ginger, walleyed, less-attractive homunculus of Ramsey Bolton.

Now playing

I’m reminded of the Parks & Rec town hall meetings, where this one guy whose tactic is try (and fail) to start a chant based on every opinion he has:

Clearly, bird law is in effect here. It’s in the skies, where bird law is king.

I think he’s on tap to be Trump’s Surgeon General.

Warren didn’t make millions of dollars or center her career on that false identity, and when called out on it, she said she was wrong. Do you really not see the difference?

His biggest mistake is assuming maritime law dictated behavior on airplanes. For example, any sort of chanting is considered a legal argument on the seas.

Meet Fox News’ new senior  medical correspondent.

If you have a great great grandma who was a “Cherokee princess” but you grew up with white privilege in the suburbs going to soccer practice in minivans and have never actually engaged with the tribe you are from, haven’t gone through the ceremonial practices, and don’t know the problems and issues faced by your