Righteous Indignation

Given what we’ve seen to date from the incoming administration, I am at least 62% sure someone will go to the trouble of retracting this apology by the end of the month.

How dare he besmirch the name of Dairy Queen! Temple of teen hooliganisms and meeting spots for My Weed Guys (TM) everywhere!

As long as you’re able to go around all night with your left hand holding your head and your right breast tucked under your arm, it’s very pretty.

Don’t come up here using black slang incorrectly and being paternalistic to boot ( those poor sad black people) and then when a black woman corrects you, you want to run up in here talmbout make america white again. I’m the wrong bitch. I been here for a minute.

Oh, sure, let’s just ban people with three boobs from even leaving the house then!! Is that what you want?

I apologize for attempting to be racially and culturally sensitive. My bad.

I definitely want to watch “Hidden Fences,” but not until I see that cult classic starring Sinbad, “Shazam.”

No. That’s not what it means. It simply means a celebrity that only black people know.

Ostensibly it’s the fact that white People are simply celebrities, but black people are perceived by a segment of society as black first, celebrity second and carry the extra burden of having to be a representative of their race.

I used to really hate Lena Dunham, but I don’t anymore. She seems more self-aware now, and she keeps fucking up, but these days she apologizes for it instead of dismissing everything as a personal attack. Since a lot of wealthy white women look up to her, she sets a good example for them by owning the damage she has

Sounds like 90% of the people commenting on this site.

I miss the days when the Golden Globes was the anti-Oscars. Everyone was drunk off their ass which led to such greatness as Michael Caine, upon accepting his lifetime achievement award, saying that he’d made a lot of shit over the years.

I think Viola Davis winked at this when she was like “Ok, I did all the luncheons and banquets, so thanks Hollywood Foreign Press!”

re: your spoilers; HE WAS THE BEST VILLAIN I’VE SEEN IN A LONG TIME. It was really a loss for the show. But goddamn the true tragedy is the lack of recognition for an actor of his talents to fucking taylor aaron johnson tompson erickson whatever his fucking name was. I literally had to google him.

Yeah, I can’t fault someone for being excited that, in an industry that is famously hard to be successful at, they are being recognized as the best at what they do, for this year and this award at least.

Mahershala Ali has been KILLING IT recently between House of Cards, Luke Cage and now Moonlight. He’s fantastic and I like to see that celebrated.

La La Land has such a thinly written and weak screenplay that it’s laughable that it beat out Moonlight’s screenplay last night. Heck, I would have taken Hell or High Water winning. Out of all the awards it won, that one stings the most. Because there was not one second of La La Land that I did not see coming. We’ve

I’m not convinced every person up there on the stage thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world or the most important beyond maybe some personal/professional context. Some? Oh yeah most definitely. But there are several celebrities I feel go along with it, happily, but with perspective.

Moonlight winning was fucking awesome. I literally stood up and cheered when it was announced. I’m already preparing to be pissed off when it inevitably loses to La La Land in the Oscars.