Righteous Indignation

National Park Service employees have gone fully rogue after Prump’s WH banned their tweets. Follow them if you’re interested in science and the environment:

I love her, but I would have understood if she never said anything at all. There are so few WOC in entertainment, and even fewer Asian women. Let the white women call out these assholes; they’re a dime a dozen in Hollywood.

I find it frustrating that his career soared despite his mediocrity while Jennifer Garner’s fizzled despite her awesomeness, a big reason for that seems to be that she took on more domestic responsibilities, which he rewarded her for by cheating with the nanny

I’m pissed off that I even have to think about Casey Affleck at all.

What is it with the Afflecks? Why do people keep making them happen? I blame Matt Damon and Kevin Smith.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

Nah, fuck her. She agreed to the surrogacy. She was all on board. Then she bailed and suddenly the kid isn’t her responsibility? NOPE. That kid is only here because Sherri helped bring it here. She damn well needs to step up.

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”

I agree, I also think there is a strong strain of punishing women thrown in as well though. If those sluts want to have sex, they should suffer the consequences dontcha know?

No, don’t do that shit. Most children aren’t murderers writing about it in their journals. Most children deserve privacy and not to have their parents violate them by reading their private thoughts. Writing is healthy.

It keeps the have-nots away from the haves, and that’s really all they care about.

Jesus. Seems to me Moen should’ve never tried to become a murderer and stuck to doing what her family does bests; making sinks.

Requiring people to pay for their own healthcare and higher education keeps “the poors” in their place and allows them to concentrate all of the wealth at the top generation after generation.

yeah i could think of 234983042859403 people who are more insufferable than LMM. this was a dick piece of writing.

Thank you for this. A woman isn’t lacking in agency just because she’s making decisions you don’t agree with. I might concede that she’s in over her head, but to cast her as someone so blank that she can’t muster up the power to make her own decisions is a disservice to both her, and other women like her. Just because

I’m not saying that we burn the place down if he doesn’t win, but if he loses and Justin Timberlake wins, then yeah we should do just that.

Hot take- the music of Moana is ten million times better than LaLa Land I’ve listened to the soundtrack incessantly.

LMM will never be insufferable as long as he is using his powers for good, like increasing minority visibility in theater and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for Planned Parenthood, for example.

I feel like a shit person for even suggesting this. But my first thought is that they wanted desperately last minute to avoid another #oscarssowhite situation that maybe they switched it last minute? Like Amy Adams received the fewest nominating votes, and Ruth Negga was close, so they figured they’d just do her