Righteous Indignation

That speaks pretty loudly for 2016: the year that was.

Academy Award-nominated film Suicide Squad

This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.

was this law proposed by someone named marshall?

I wish I could say I was shocked, but I’m not. Resisting arrest is a blatantly stupid charge because, let’s be honest, if you’ve got four officers pinning you to the ground and using strikes and possibly a baton on you, you’re going to move from pain, from being restrained, from having your airway cut off, etc.

Canadian? She’s Canadian?????

53% of white women voted for Trump.

I’m a white lady and I’ll be there for BLM and Standing Rock and Flint in the future. But not everyone will, and I think that’s ok. Some of them will be there for climate change and Planned Parenthood and feeding the homeless. We need them too. Maybe some of them will do nothing after this. But they showed up this

You are not my enemy. Stop that line of thinking. Just because I have different priorities than you, mostly stemming from my race and ethnicity, does not make you my enemy. But POC have been dealing with this, since like, the dawn of time. You know POC experience when liberals and Dems tell us we need to fall in line?

Serious question: does the Black Lives Matter movement have a set position on whether they want white people at their protests or not? I’ve read several high profile articles both ways. I’ll admit to staying away, in part because I’ve read several impassioned pieces saying that I shouldn’t go.

Then they need to prove me wrong.

My protest is better than your protest

No. Nobody is picking apart something for the sake of it.

After all your feel good sisterhood kumbayaing is over, get your asses out and vote on Nov 8th, 2018 or this was just a walk down a street.

This absolutely can/should be a first step, and MUST be a first step, as the intersectional feminist movement needs more bodies. It’s the job of the white ladies who are already doing or planning to do what Kara has outlined to be patient/encouraging to the white ladies who aren’t there yet. WOC have the right to be

fuck the whales

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

I want to say this as a WOC: I don’t trust white women to ever have my back, no matter how much they want to say they are my ally. Prove me wrong.

Agreed. I was on my way to the march and a white lady on the train told me “If I am out here doing this, something better change.” Almost as if this one act of showing up and marching by someone who already has a great deal of privilege ought to make the difference. I understand the sentiment and I think a lot of

It seems to me that the notion that female-coded things are infantilizing and not to be taken seriously is itself steeped in patriarchal ideals.