Righteous Indignation

Days has worked hard to get cancelled the last several years. They have killed off legacy characters in order to get a brief ratings bump. They never recovered from the mistake of letting the late James E. Reilly return as head writer and ruin several characters.

I have an idea for her daytime show:

Noooooooooooo! As someone who still tapes Days every day and has been for the past 10 years, this disappoints me greatly. If only Stefano DiMera could kidnap her and send her to an island and replace her with a secret twin who isn’t in to reading the news.

I want to be mad about this, but now that the actor who played Stefano is dead, we can all rest assured that Marlena is safe forever and there’s no need to continue the storyline.

“that person has, like, no moral standards”

“Down here in ol’ Alabamy we call Rape the ‘fondle game’ hehe”

Come on ladies it’s not that hard! Just remember the scales:

You know, if I were a cop and I patiently explained to the public exactly which ways to commit crimes that damn near guarantee they wouldn’t be investigated, I don’t think I’d be a cop long.

Trumpanistan has a nice ring to it.

If he’s white, we’ll have a nice discussion on Mental Illness (TM).

He’s a terrible planner! Sad!

It’s too soon for Thoughts & Prayers™, we’re still at step one which is Blame Radical Islamic Terrorism™ (but only if the guy isn’t white).

That never works; I’m sending unicorns.

If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.

Don’t they always think there’s a second gunman?

Is it time to just ban Florida?

yes hello its scripted in the sense that the producers sat all 3 sisters down and prompted them to have this conversation

I would also respect that level of cold-bloodedness.

Alternatively, it takes a special kind of cynicism to milk personal trauma for fame, attention, and ratings.