Righteous Indignation

My point is that the person (not gov’t) that doesn’t want this book made because they disagree with it’s message sounds like a nazi. I don’t think they’re violating his free speech or even trying to - I just said they sound like a nazi because, ya know, the nazis burned books when they didn’t like the message.

Clearly you don’t, since you don’t understand the difference between “I don’t think this company should publish this book” and “I don’t think this person should be allowed to write this book.”

“wanting to restrict books from being written...”

I’m pretty sure you don’t understand how books are written, if you think the process requires a deal with a major publishing house.

“Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc, now!”

Yes, I’m pulling you out of the greys probably, mainly to watch you get destroyed by other commenters. Anyway, please learn what free speech is and then get back to us. A publisher is not the government, they are just trying to make money off controversy(and they will get a lot I predict) and shouldn’t give hate

To mouth breathers who lack the prerequisite critical thinking skills to discern between someone’s freedom to write a book and the responsibility of main stream publishers to not legitimize hate speech with money and a prominent platform, sure I do sound like a nazi.

You’re trying to trot out the “paradox of tolerance”, but you are late to the game. It’s already been solved, amigo. Philosopher Karl Popper brought up this exact point in 1945:

I agree with you to some extent, by honestly someone of Beyoncé’s wealth and popularity could probably afford to back out of the festival and honestly should.

Let’s be honest. Most Coachella attendees (and people in general) are only as socially-compassionate as is convenient to them or as their public guilt allows. I know people who go to Coachella every year and while I think they’re “nice” people (in the sense that they aren’t blatantly awful), they don’t strike me as

I doubt that musicians appearing in 2017 signed a contract in 2001.


If there were acts performing that you did not enjoy, would you still say not to vilify them? Because vilifying people for their associations without logic is incredibly popular here.

If the roles had been reversed, the teens would have been released and not charged at all.

Yeah, she’s not the type to go for the jugular.

In the grand scheme of things, Ellen’s polite dis-inviting of Kim Burrell will be a denouement that Burrell won’t be allowed to forget any time soon.

Unfortunately, “not nice” is going to be the strongest public admonishment that Ellen will give out. It’s not on brand for her to be harsher, for better or worse. It speaks volumes that she booted her from the show, as I don’t remember her ever booting a guest from her show in a public manner.  

I am prone to give Ellen a pass here.

As of 11AM EST, the Chicago PD haven’t announced any formal charges against the 4 attackers, only that part of their investigation will include whether the language in the video warrants a hate crime distinction. For comparison, Dylann Roof’s federal hate crime charges came almost 3 weeks after he was arrested for the

The unfortunate truth is that 95% of the population, particularly those who scream “lip sync” don’t understand the technical challenges of music, any music in an outside venue. Or, any venue for that matter.

Better Off Ted was so damn good.