Righteous Indignation

I would have assumed it was already illegal to wildly discharge a weapon in a residential area, but you know what they say about assuming....

But it’s Texas, so.

Specifically, it’s good that she’s suing.

Which is even worse. Why do I want to use a bank that is bad at fractions?

Yeah but what’s her AIM away message?

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

As others have said, MommaKris is the one who negotiates all the deals for everyone in the family. MommaKris can make money appear, and then disappear, despite who is the “biggest moneymaker”. Besides, Kim K is supporting Kanye’s broke, no-talented ass too, and he sure costs more to maintain than Tyga.

Agreed. Why would we think Kris has power over Kim’s earning power/finances? She’s a woman in her 30s, and probably commands the highest appearance fee in her family.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.

Here’s my hot take on Janet Jackson having a baby at age 50:

Honestly, it seemed Hayden Panettiere was pregnant for something like two years.

Congrats to all, but that publicist trope kills me. Stress-free delivery? I have popped out a couple of kids and let me tell ya, neither day was stress free. I can imagine, ‘pain free’, ‘trouble free’, or even ‘drug-free,’ but not stress free.

I wonder how risky having a child at 50 is when you have plenty of money compared to having a child at 30 when you have working class money.

57 is elderly now?

she reportedly doesn’t have a computer, but uses her cell phone to access the internet

Threats need to be taken seriously but I’m not sure how much of a threat this woman is.

Because it is a tragedy so inhumane, it is unquantifiable and and can’t be categorized. It brings on complex emotions and thought processes go completely out of whack. Thus the void where this can spread.

I feel bad for this guy who has to keep defending the existence of his murdered son. It’s scary how many people are going after him and threatening him. That must be horrible.

Sorry for the nihilism ,my car broke down recently and I have been having to take the bus.

does anybodys life really matter. Are lives are a meaningless specks in the vastness of the space, here for a less then a second compared to the age of the universe ; we will all die and it will be like we were never here . Nothing we do matters, our lives don’t matter. Happy holidays everybody.