Righteous Indignation

Busy Phillips is lucky. My eyebrows did NOT grow back. Thanks, 90s!

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

Blame Stein voters. There were more of them than Bernie protest votes.

If they’re under NDAs from a notoriously litigious and vindictive bully, I can see it.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

I don’t care what any of you say. My country of origin (A’stan) is being rocked by suicide bombings and Taliban fighters are advancing toward the cities. The country I lived and worked in 10 years is now being run by a crazy person (Trump) and the country that I currently live in (Canada) has the same crazy policies

Where are all those Russian-apologist commenters who were saying she was a false flag? You fuckers should be ashamed of yourself. Assad and Putin have committed mass murder.

that was exactly my point when i said “they really know how to get to people”.

“A terrorist attack carried out by a Tunisian citizen driving a truck killed 84 people on Bastille Day this year.”

Terrorists also use trucks. See the Nice attacks earlier this year.

Everything is terrible, and getting worse.

I forgive missing Heathens on this list, because putting the Sean Paul remix of Cheap Thrills on here is such a great catch. That song tried to slink by, with its incongruous and nonsensical vocal mismatch. Listening to that remix is like eating a handful of M&Ms, only to realize one of them is actually a wasabi pea:

Bruno Mars’s newish 60s/70s funk/freestyle/motown tinged thing is apparently my crack cocaine. It scratches an itch. It doesn’t have to be objectively ‘good’. I also think it’s douchey and not even clever to call people’s friends ugly-ass. But here we are. I’m listening to it again.

ok, i’ll clarify, lest i lose thetallblonde as a friend, which would be devastating and i would likely never recover from it.

“Heathens” is not only the worst song of the year, it’s the worst song of the last three years. Its omission is unforgivable.

Lol. I don’t think this sliver of pseudo-celebrity gossip is a microcosm for humanity.

Counterpoint: 24K Magic is good.

How the eff are there no Twenty One Pilots songs on this list? Am I the only one perpetually annoyed by their douchecanoe white frat boy “music”? For some reason I found their songs to be the distillation of everything horrible in America in 2016.

Not to mention that “an animal that shits all over the house” is also a pretty accurate description of a human baby....

Nah her actions surrounding this whole thing have been incredibly shady. There was another incident a while ago where Chris Pratt tried to give away their elderly cat on twitter, and although that struck me as very shitty, I gave them the benefit of the doubt because they had recently had a baby who was born