Righteous Indignation

People on here basically have a stick up their ass about comedy when it doesn’t fit perfectly within their worldview. Dave’s monologue was amazing and hilarious. It might not have been delivered in a nice SJW approved way, but it was overwhelmingly forward thinking and Pro Black. End of the day he’s still a guy

What was odious, that he was going to give him a chance? Or that he didn’t think Hillary was the great white Hope? The man tells fn jokes, you shouldn’t expect or what him to give you everything in a nice clean socially acceptable package. The end of his monologue on SNL was one of the most positive, Pro Black things

Because she’s been to federal prison for insider trading. If you thought people hated Hillary...

That 9/11 museum shop is crass AF. You leave the main exhibit wanting to curl up in a ball and weep and then you browse through the store and see a “dogs of 9/11", with loads of pictures of dogs. That cheers you up for a bit, until you remember they’re all dead. The urge to weep becomes all out sobbing sitting on the

Well any man who can turn down $40 million is not really as identifiable with common folk.
By all means laugh, but let’s remember the lesson that Cosby has taught us all:

Has Jezebel dug up any mildly shitty tweets he made from 4 and half years ago?

The retailer meanwhile argued for the treatment of “Navajo” as a generic term a la “light beer.”

It’s good because we all know there are absolutely no negative places that adolescents might go to seek support and acceptance when positive places can’t be found. They will just turn straight. That’s how it works.

Yes. The kids who most need non-parent adults to confide in would be robbed of that option and their safety threatened. What the hell is wrong with people?

For people opposed to the “nanny state” they sure are keen on government interference in people’s lives.

Could someone put info up on which numbers to call if you want to voice your position against the bill, as a constituent? I don’t live in Texas, but that seems like good information to know.

Parents. Don’t. Own. Their. Kids. Aaaaaaahhh!

Avril. Drake. Who will be the next suburban child of an orthodontist you export to our detriment?

He’s a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen. If Americans want to make him rich for regurgitating their own music back to them it’s no skin off our noses and he can come home as often as he wants to.

As women, we are always being told that our issues are less important than the “real issues.” Fuck that. This happened at the State Capitol. It’s wrong.

This is not “crying wolf.” I understand what you’re getting at in terms of relative harms, but thinking along these lines and then telling people they can only call out the worst possible offensive behavior is a problem.

Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.

We call that Freedom Foam.

My husband is in a union, not SAG, but he’s under the parent union that governs them all. Union dues go toward pension, health insurance and a laundry list of “others.”

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.