Righteous Indignation

There are other reasons to bring this sort of suit. One of them may have been to finally get a statement from him about the events of the night. He chose not to offer a defense, but they didn’t necessarily know that when they filed the suit. Another may have been to prevent him from earning any money in the future by

H. sapiens, scourge of Earth.

Literally, let’s put a end cap on this fucking year. Someone please blow this fucking useless rock into the sun.

“I’m also taking this action for the benefit of all parents and families, who may be facing the same violation of their rights—”

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

This has nothing to do with at will employment.

My job doesn’t give due process before firing people (and they fire people a lot.) Where do you work? You are very, very lucky.

I am no Canadian law expert (in fact, I know nothing about it). But if it’s similar to US law, as long as UBC is a private entity, it doe not owe anybody transparency or due process. If it’s a private employer, it can take whatever action it wants to terminate an employee, provided that the firing does not violate

“and if it’s a matter of rape then it should be a matter of jail”

How is it that writers of this caliber didn’t make crystal clear that they were talking about this, and not rape shield laws? Jesus Christ Margaret.

When even Atwood seems to disappoint, I’m calling it an early day for the internet. Nope. Bye.

Except for the multiple witnesses and what not. Who saw him harass students in public.

“Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.”

Say what you want about her but she is graceful yet tough as shit and a fighter. If only she had won... Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.

I think this is super exploitative of Dr. Phil, but it’s exactly the kind of thing I expect from him. 

The story behind Gosling finally eating his cereal is really touching. Ryan McHenry, who made the original ‘Ryan Gosling won’t eat cereal’ vines died of cancer. The video Gosling posted of himself eating cereal was a tribute to McHenry after he learned of his death. 

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.

Hey, girl

Ugh this whole thing is such a pile of WTF. If this guy wants a kid so bad, why can’t he just adopt one? Or, if he’s so desperate for a biological one, get a surrogate and an egg donor! There is NO reason for him to be doing this other than to be an insufferable, controlling asshole.