Righteous Indignation

Can confirm. Former Quebecer.

Ahh! My mom too! Is there some secret mom seminar for this next level shade because I WANT IT

I feel like now would be a good time for another Carnivale. Sequel or remake, doesn’t matter. It was 10 years ahead of its time.

I don’t assume that my life is the same as anyone else’s (quite the opposite actually). I’m not sure how you construed that. I don’t know how Soon-Yi feels and it isn’t relevant to my life, so mostly I don’t care.

When some internet rando knows for certain that Soon-Yi can’t possibly have two father figures then I’m

This is asinine.

this made me laugh way harder than it should have

Yeah actually, I don’t watch Roman Polanski or Woody Allen movies, because why would I support them? I don’t listen to R Kelly. There are many other superior options when I want to slow jam to R & B. Also Chris Brown because he’s a terrible person and also musician. I don’t know? Is keeping a shit list not a normal

Yeah, agree. Kevin Smith posted yesterday about a comment that his 17 year old daughter got on instagram. It was disgusting. I was like “who would say that to a 17 year old? ... Oh yeah, internet. :(“

That’s just like gold to us!

Gwendoline Christie as everything ever!

The correct answer is ‘neither’, to be sure.

I was 14 and in the peak of my shitholery when this movie came out on VHS.

I had to put masking tape over my Nirvana shirt about male sea horses giving birth because it was ‘obscene’. Thanks jerk school for making me the coolest junior high-er in class that day.

Come to Canada, we have allllll the dunkeroos!

Ahh I don’t actually remember! But it was definitely before she was born that we decided. I think we just kinda randomly picked a name and thought that she can call us something different when she’s older if she wants.

Yeah, lesbo mom here. I’ve never had an issue explaining to my 2 year old daughter’s friends why she has two moms when they ask. Something like “lots of families are different- sometimes there’s a mom and a dad, or just a mom, or just a dad, or grandparents or two moms or two dads.” And that’s fine for the 2 - 4 year

You’re a libra, aren’t ya darlin’?

It’s probably a front facing camera

Love this show so hard. Reminds me of every cheesy horror movie I obsessively watched as an 80s kid. Story and acting were top notch. I kinda worried in the beginning that the story would go off the rails like AHS has unfailingly done every season, but it didn’t. Not even once.

Also, sorry, but those are not dirt

Can relate. When my kid was 3 months she sort of half-flopped and rolled off the changing table, smacking the back of her head on the hardwood floor. I tried to break her fall but ending up flailing like a noodley fish while she dropped like a bowling ball. We were both bawling. I was full on in the throes of PPD and