
agreed with everything you just said.

it's nice for productivity and taking notes. it's a specialized tool that is useless for tasks such as reading, watching videos, listening to music, playing many games. and in most other cases it's just a nice to have, but not a requirement. Hence why the ipad can get away without it, it is a device used mostly to

or in the case of the pro version, the existing windows ecosystem.

so you're saying they should copy apple... I thought its well established that is very stupid

thats something that microsoft has dominated in. Historically they have provided the best developer support of any software ecosystem - with the exception of linux. There are some iffy moves theyve made recently (read about the newest version of visual studio express) but they have done very well.

you do realize that microsoft probably has a larger reach in r&d than sony does right? In terms of the sheer spread in fields they are researching in. despite the rather narrow insight the general public has, microsoft is involved in research that the vast majority of the public has no idea even existed. And they have

the wired mice are pretty good.

1. there has not been a dos-based os since the win95 branch died with me.

or you can keep doing it the way it has always been.

You do realize that mountain dew is actually orange flavored right?

any ssd has a limited number of write operations it can do before it is "burned out" The rating is usually given with the specs of the drive. How long it lasts is entirely dependent on how you use it, but theoretically it should last longer than a hdd for most people. There have been analysis that suggests the failure

They dont hold a monopoly in the market so it is unlikely anyone will go after them. Now, if they get together a majority of the industry to do this... most definitely yes. for now its just Sony and Samsung - they'll only hurt themselves with this move as we have plenty of alternatives.

Now playing

the irish were the most advanced humans, like atlantis of their time. Then they discovered alchohol.

Really? I thought they designed it to be fine in either orientation. For me i've always left it flat cause it made me less paranoid.

well, they put a warning that it could damage the console. It s a much bigger concern when its powered on and spinning the disk though... Think of why you dont move a hdd while it is spinning - physics is your enemy

I dont think they've confirmed that you can completely disable metro. But then again, there's nothing to suggest you cant with a simple config or a registry hack (which i think is the current route).

the most common explanation is bandwidth... a cell tower can only provide so much bandwidth. Thus they have to restrict us and punish the heaviest users to ensure QOS for everyone.

oh no, a reasonable point in the microsoft bashing! everyone grab your pitchforks and torches!

we're a very long way away from it simply because the pre-rendered film graphics are done with a very different process (ray tracing). Simply put, they actually simulate the physics of light, hence why most times we never see a difference. Light behaves correctly when you use ray tracing. On the other hand, graphics

awesome! i think it would have more impact if the fun and coffee was swapped , but love it nonetheless!