
thing is... it's not always about land. Personally i think humans are just plain stupid and selfish, leading to wars. sure many will takea step back and go this is stupid. but not everyone will. and it only takes a few.

That's not the problem. The problem is the natural processes that deposit the water in a form we need, clean fresh water. We pollute a lot of it, rendering it unusable without (expensive) processing to make it usable again. The real problem is that our use is outpacing the environment's ability to create fresh water.

Both of these episodes were WTF (in a good way). Definitely loved em.

Exactly this. This has driven me away from many mmo's. The problem is the MMO often requires you to sit down with a group an dyou can't pause until the task is done (some more than others... looking at you eve with your hours-long combat patrols). On paper they sound cool, when you're younger they excite you. But as

because stocks represent real life value (or importance) of a company. totally. don't see what can possibly go wrong with that assertion

Really not that surprised. This sort of document can damage microsoft, regardless of its legitimacy.

How much money did you guys get to write this? :D

how is it good to have giant sets of drop down menus? those drop down menus forced me to learn the shortcuts.

I always cringe when stuff like this happens even though I really shouldn't. Too often we get stuck with bad code/infrastructure for far too long.

you know its funny. daily bathing isnt really a requirement... rather it rose from heavy marketing tactics in the us pushing bathing-related items.

this is what happens when you allow a reporter without any knowledge of taxonomy try to classify something. You end up adding a vagina to the fungus family.

They have a tactile keyboard that sounds like you can differenciate by feel (keep in mind they had 2 versions of the keyboard, not just one)

I really hope it will be a part of it. but it probably wont. But then again if I'm looking to buy a tablet, i will probably drop the extra for the keyboard. I've been on the fence waiting for a tablet simply because i want an intel-based one to dual boot linux on. If the UEFI loader has the option to disable

wow or diablo 1/2 probably. Maybe diablo 3. They havent exactly stated the gfx capabilities. But I've seen tablets (android specifically) using some nvidia chips that play games that look on par with what you see in diablo 3. So it may be possible.

they've already provided info on the weight. the kickstand doesnt add to the number the stated, its a part of the device. it doesnt require a keyboard, the keyboard is the cover. And its detatchable so you can just not use it at all. I really dont get where you got all this from. When the kickstand isnt out its just a

they stated when win 8 is officially released and the pro version (i5 based) will be 3 months after. Unless i misunderstood the keynote....

the thing that drew my attention is that it can be a full laptop. At least the pro version. The pro version is basically a very well designed ultrabook with the full desktop/laptop functionality with the full tablet experience next to it. This device will probably be one of the few that uses win8 to the fullest, and I

People complain about this a lot. But from what I see, Microsoft has to do this. Around now and up until when they're ready to launch this thing later in the year people are going to be buying up ipads and android devices. Microsoft needs to offer something that is compelling enough to give people pause. Because the

ya, i was confused initially too. And I dont think they're discontinued, they're just not intended for the consumer market hence the lack of much attention.

you know that whole stunxnet thing and iran. Yup, that's what that virus was destroying. As we've seen, its difficult. Uranium trade is closely monitored and trading in the industrial equipment to enrich it gets you on a lot of lists.