
oh look, another company trying to make money

Main problem i got with the bmi. it makes no sense whatsoever.

i got 100w from 27 w!

redstone circuits can make any type of logic gate. Every component in a computer is made up of logic gates. The OS and any software just instructs the logic gates to fire in a particular pattern. By extention of that, you can build any program in minecraft. Theoretically even something like windows. How much work that

totally best place to put it.

Wow, brave guy. And both are lucky it wasn't a different type of acid. This one just burns so if they get out and in a chemical shower fast enough it shouldn't be too bad (that's relative, they'd still get chemical burns everywhere). It doesn't get absorbed into the body like other acids such as hydroflouric. that

the problem is this. The XBL subscription pays for the servers and maintenance. That isn't cheap, and to get it done well costs money. It doesnt cost them anywhere near $15 a month per user to maintain and develop for it, but it isnt free either. Probably in the neighborhood of $1-2 or less per user/month.

except the credit card route will cost you a shitton more money unless you pay it off immediately

so that's what it does.

well... 99 for the bundle vs 299 for the un-subsidized bundle.

I thought I heard somewhere that this deal is supposed to include some undisclosed bonus... but that might have been old news/rumor. If it actually did include a good bonus (like a game or something) then this would be worth it for those new to the platform. (Gotta consider the next xbox rumor though)

I agree with a lot of what you're saying - but i'm kinda surprised your win7 key got locked out. I switch computers a lot and sometimes upgrade them/replace the mobo. my win7 key still works when i switch, I just have to call them sometimes and deal with giving them that long ass number.

I dont see anything particularly fishy about this... if its entombed in silt and sand that makes things pretty damn hard to find already as it would shield a lot of the radiation. Then add tons of water... well that probably absorbs even more of it. And i suspect they're just not taking a shovel everywhere to find it

was the plutonium a product of other activity? I thought plutonium was an element that does nto occur naturally. Something i'm too lazy to look up myself but vaguely remember from chemistry class :)

open scenery definitely. Immersion in the story oh hell yes, that plays a much bigger role in my love of the series. The environment and sights are just the icing on the cake.

I usually stopped by amarr on my way to jita and vice-versa from my base of operations. Really the only 2 i was familiar with. and I would start playing again, but it is like having another job. I like to be able to play a game when I want to, not be forced to play at certain times. It's cool and all, but I get enough

it is nosediving from initial sales, and even that wasnt strong to start with. I own a vita and i want it to succeed so my investment will be worth it. But the current trend does have me worried for the future games, i dont want it to just be a psp emulator.

they need a filter for the filter damn it! why do they never think ahead???

There are secondary ones but the main worry is probably the location of your assets. I know i have a bunch of stuff in jita before i stopped playing. It'd take me forever to move out to the amarr homeworld, even with my freighter.

except there's large trading hubs elsewhere. When I was playing Jita was the main one, but one of the core Amarr systems (forget its name) was the second largest. For many players/corporations they ship their goods to Jita, they could just as easily divert their trading to that secondary system. Now for those with all