
I enjoyed her performance, but I did wonder what made it a drag performance since kabuki isn’t the same thing as drag. Where was the exaggerated femininity that signifies “drag”? Or was she saying that exaggeration is inherent to kabuki performance already? If so, is that true? Or is it about emphasizing movement and

Ughhhhh, you are wronngggg! She’s mean and unfunny.

I’m sorry, but nobody is invited.

Every day is a private wine and cheese party in my room. 

Maybe Ed Razek should resign too.  

No self-respecting woman would sleep with a man who shows up at her house wearing JNCOs...

Yeah there are a lot of weirdly convenient details - personalized plates, all technology turned off, she didn’t want a picture of him because she was in love with his mind (even though she’d sent him nudes?!) - but it was a fun read anyway.

this is so obviously fake.

My favorite narrative element of this great and true story was how you book-ended your praise of this woman for being interested in your HEART and MIND with a detailed description of her body. Presumably you were fascinated by the HEART and MIND of her “nice boobs on the larger side”.

Are you my husband because if so we need milk and diapers

Avril has annoyed me since Day One, so that she’s a “Christian rocker” now makes perfect sense. She exists to vex me! 

“She was a punk”

What does basic mean? That she didn’t like the cool manly bands and movies he did?

But doesn't that say more about what a shallow person Ryan Adams is than anything bad about Mandy Moore? If he found her basic then and they didn't share interests, why did he marry her? He looks like even more of a dick now. 

but by a representation of the British upper class”

What the hell is wrong with naming her Cho Chang? What the fuck does it have to do with claiming Nagini was influenced by Indonesian mythology? Get your racist ass BS out of here.

I don’t know how Lena can still be so thirsty surrounded by all that water.

do birthdays really matter to the immortal?

do birthdays really matter to the immortal?

I think he's more handsome now that he's older.